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Oops! It seems this job from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has expired
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  • Posted: Jan 21, 2025
    Deadline: Feb 4, 2025
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    UNHCR was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War, to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes. We had three years to complete our work and then disband. Today, over 65 years later, our organization is still hard at work, protecting and assisting refugees around the world.
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    Senior Partnership Officer


    • Conduct research, analysis and advise accordingly the operation(s) on identifying partners that are able to engage with long-term political, economic and social planning that will define the opportunities for inclusion of populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable and whole-of-society approaches to refugee and stateless protection and solutions management.
    • Support building relationship in partnerships with International, Regional and State entities, regions and municipalities, NGOs, faith-based organizations, academia, workers' and entrepreneurs' organizations, development actors, private sector, etc.
    • Map and develop partnerships and networks with a variety of partners to influence the policy dialogue with governments on institutional arrangements related to sectors, locations and programme content of consequence to UNHCR and persons of concern.
    • Work with a variety of interlocutors to incorporate populations of concern to UNHCR into the design, implementation, monitoring and communication arrangements of projects and interventions to achieve positive impact on their situation.
    • Ensure coherence, where relevant, across operations in how they engage in terms of multiple stakeholder partnerships (e.g. messaging, policies, etc.).
    • Process and analyse knowledge and data from country operations to support planning, policy and advocacy at the regional and HQ level.
    • Ensure that partners are provided relevant knowledge and data to influence their planning, programming and advocacy around resilience for and inclusion of UNHCR persons of concern.
    • Facilitate coordination, collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, best practices and lessons learned, internally in UNHCR both within HQs and across UNHCR operations globallyand with a variety of partners.
    • Support training activities for the staff of UNHCR and a variety of partners aimed at achieving greater coordination, effectiveness and synergies in terms of multiple stakeholder partnerships.
    • Lead risk assessments and discussions with team(s) to proactively manage risks and seize opportunities impacting objectives. Ensure that risk management principles are integrated in decision-making both at strategic and operational levels. Allocate resources for planned treatments with resource requirements in Strategic Plans. Ensure that risks are managed to acceptable levels and escalate, as needed. If a Risk Owner, designate the Risk Focal Point and certify that the annual risk review is completed and ensure that the risk register is updated during the year, as needed.
    • Perform other related duties as required.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • Years of Experience / Degree Level
    • For P4/NOD 9 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 8 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 7 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

    Method of Application

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