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  • Posted: Dec 7, 2024
    Deadline: Dec 20, 2024
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    The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is leading Africa-based, African-led, international research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and conducting policy-relevant research on population, health, education, urbanization and related development issues on the continent.
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    Call for Expressions of Interest – Community Organized Groups- Turkana

    The Visibilize4ClimateAction project aims to make visible, through research, public and policy engagement, the impact of climate change on the nutritional status and mental health of vulnerable populations in the East African drylands (arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid zones), to catalyze context-specific climate policy and practice change at scale.

    The focus of the call for expression is to engage the public on 1) the concept of climate change and its linkage with health for empowerment, 2) co-creation, and co-learning on climate adaptations and mitigation measures (such as agroecology, agroforestry, or rangeland management) in place for practice and policy action,  involving communities in Turkana (Turkana North and Kibish), Samburu (Samburu Central), and Laikipia (Dry Sub-Humid)  counties in Kenya, and the general public. We therefore seek to recruit Community Organized Groups (CoGs) working/operating specifically in Turkana North and Kibish in Kenya, where public engagement will be undertaken.

    Ideally, the applicant should meet the following criteria while submitting the EoI:

    • A COG is registered with the relevant authority at the national or county level.
    • Organization with core staff having field level experience in the specified targeted sub-county.
    • Track record of strong partnership with local communities, local authorities, and/or government agencies in previous activities.
    • Proven working experience in community-based interventions or promotion/outreach activities and other relevant activities related to food security and nutrition, climate change, and/or human health (including mental health), or closely related areas in the target counties.
    • Record of involving vulnerable and marginalized groups in previous organizational activities.
    • Demonstrated capacity and experience in any form of public engagement, e.g. engaging communities on agro-ecology, agroforestry, and rangeland management activities.
    • Previous engagement with Visibilize4ClimateAction project partners projects will be an added advantage.

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    Call for Expressions of Interest – Community Organized Groups-Samburu

    The Visibilize4ClimateAction project aims to make visible, through research, public and policy engagement, the impact of climate change on the nutritional status and mental health of vulnerable populations in the East African drylands (arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid zones), to catalyze context-specific climate policy and practice change at scale.

    The focus of the call for expression is to engage the public on 1) the concept of climate change and its linkage with health for empowerment, 2) co-creation, and co-learning on climate adaptations and mitigation measures (such as agroecology, agroforestry, or rangeland management) in place for practice and policy action,  involving communities in Turkana (Turkana North and Kibish), Samburu (Samburu Central), and Laikipia (Dry Sub-Humid)  counties in Kenya, and the general public. We therefore seek to recruit Community Organized Groups (CoGs) working/operating specifically in Samburu Central, Kenya, where public engagement will be undertaken.

    Ideally, the applicant should meet the following criteria while submitting the EoI:

    • A COG is registered with the relevant authority at the national or county level.
    • Organization with core staff having field level experience in the specified targeted sub-county.
    • Track record of strong partnership with local communities, local authorities, and/or government agencies in previous activities.
    • Proven working experience in community-based interventions or promotion/outreach activities and other relevant activities related to food security and nutrition, climate change, and/or human health (including mental health), or closely related areas in the target counties.
    • Record of involving vulnerable and marginalized groups in previous organizational activities.
    • Demonstrated capacity and experience in any form of public engagement, e.g. engaging communities on agro-ecology, agroforestry, and rangeland management activities.
    • Previous engagement with Visibilize4ClimateAction project partners projects will be an added advantage.

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    Call for Expressions of Interest – Community Organized Groups- Laikipia

    The Visibilize4ClimateAction project aims to make visible, through research, public and policy engagement, the impact of climate change on the nutritional status and mental health of vulnerable populations in the East African drylands (arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid zones), to catalyze context-specific climate policy and practice change at scale.

    The focus of the call for expression is to engage the public on 1) the concept of climate change and its linkage with health for empowerment, 2) co-creation, and co-learning on climate adaptations and mitigation measures (such as agroecology, agroforestry, or rangeland management) in place for practice and policy action,  involving communities in Turkana (Turkana North and Kibish), Samburu (Samburu Central), and Laikipia (Dry Sub-Humid)  counties in Kenya, and the general public. We therefore seek to recruit Community Organized Groups (CoGs) working/operating specifically in Laikipia West Sub Counties in Kenya, where public engagement will be undertaken.

    Ideally, the applicant should meet the following criteria while submitting the EoI:

    • A COG is registered with the relevant authority at the national or county level.
    • Organization with core staff having field level experience in the specified targeted sub-county.
    • Track record of strong partnership with local communities, local authorities, and/or government agencies in previous activities.
    • Proven working experience in community-based interventions or promotion/outreach activities and other relevant activities related to food security and nutrition, climate change, and/or human health (including mental health), or closely related areas in the target counties.
    • Record of involving vulnerable and marginalized groups in previous organizational activities.
    • Demonstrated capacity and experience in any form of public engagement, e.g. engaging communities on agro-ecology, agroforestry, and rangeland management activities.
    • Previous engagement with Visibilize4ClimateAction project partners projects will be an added advantage.

    Method of Application

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