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Oops! It seems this job from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has expired
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  • Posted: Dec 4, 2024
    Deadline: Dec 18, 2024
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    UNHCR was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War, to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes. We had three years to complete our work and then disband. Today, over 65 years later, our organization is still hard at work, protecting and assisting refugees around the world.
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    Senior External Relations Officer

    • The Senior External Relations Officer normally reports to the Representative or Deputy Representative. The incumbent has direct supervisory responsibility for External Relations staff.
    • External contacts are predominantly with partners, media, government, embassies and other international organizations in the country on matters of importance to the organization.
    • All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR's core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.


    • Stay abreast of the challenges posed by the political context, the UN and humanitarian reform, and institutional developments in the area of forced displacement and humanitarian operations.
    • Through a consultative process with UNHCR colleagues (Programme, Protection, etc.) with external actors and partners, develop and implement protection and assistance strategy, with clearly articulated objectives, timelines and outputs.
    • Implement a communications strategy that generates support for UNHCR's operations from external partners (e.g. the general public, governments, partners, the media, academia and persons of concern).
    • Articulate all issues pertaining to the needs of the populations of concern and the strategies in place to respond to their needs.
    • Ensure that the UNHCR priorities are given adequate weight in the documentation of the UN Country Team.
    • Maintain a close dialogue with and provide accurate information to donors by organizing regular briefings, bilateral meetings and donor missions. Prepare reports as appropriate.
    • In accordance with the operational context and in close cooperation with headquarters, access new and non-traditional funding sources, as appropriate, including private sector and humanitarian pooled/basket funds (e.g. Central Emergency Response Fund, Human Security Fund).
    • Through a consultative process with headquarters, disseminate information on UNHCR's global funding situation and mobilize additional funds to implement special projects aimed at enhancing the quality of protection for persons of concern in the country operation.
    • Participate in inter-agency cooperation and communication strategies, initiatives and tools.
    • Support senior management in representing UNHCR in the UN Country Team and other UN coordination fora.
    • Support, and participate in, local UN integrated missions, Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Emergency Relief Coordinator and Cluster communication strategies and initiatives.
    • Manage the information flow within the country operations by identifying priority matters, securing, analyzing and disseminating documentation and information to support country operations and corporate communication processes and priorities.
    • Consolidate information on UNHCR's country operations and identify appropriate messages for campaigns and appeals.
    • Coordinate the drafting of, and/or draft, situation reports, briefing notes, background material, talking points, fact sheets, press releases and articles.
    • Develop targeted communications strategies and media packages for situations and/or activities that require focused attention.
    • Identify and target major events and initiatives (e.g. commercial, cultural, political and sports) to promote the work of UNHCR.
    • Manage media relations by, inter alia, responding to direct queries, publishing press releases and organizing regular briefings and visits to country operations.
    • Approve fund-raising messages.
    • Approve any relevant expenditure for the implementation of fund-raising activities.
    • Decide which donors to approach and which operations or activities to prioritize for special fundraising appeals.
    • Approve the communications strategy.
    • Approve budgets and expenditures for communications activities.
    • Clear external relations/communication products and tools.
    • Represent UNHCR fund-raising and communication priorities in inter-agency initiatives and fora.
    • Lead risk assessments and discussions with team(s) to proactively manage risks and seize opportunities impacting objectives. Ensure that risk management principles are integrated in decision-making both at strategic and operational levels. Allocate resources for planned treatments with resource requirements in Strategic Plans. Ensure that risks are managed to acceptable levels and escalate, as needed. If a Risk Owner, designate the Risk Focal Point and certify that the annual risk review is completed and ensure that the risk register is updated during the year, as needed.
    • Perform other related duties as required.

    Minimum Qualifications

    Education & Professional Work Experience

    Years of Experience / Degree Level

    • For P4/NOD 9 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 8 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 7 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

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    Programme Associate

    • The Programme Associate would normally receive guidance from more senior programme staff in the operation/bureau/division. S/he may receive indirect guidance from other sections and units relevant to the country/region programme(s). UNHCR Manual, Operations Plans, UN and UNHCR financial/budgetary rules and regulations will guide the work of the Programme Associate. S/he is expected to stay abreast of the challenges posed by the operational context, the UN and humanitarian reform and institutional developments.
    • The incumbent is expected to have contacts within the organization and outside the duty station, as well as with partners and other stakeholders to collect information, monitor programme activities and implement administrative requirements. The incumbent will have to establish good working relationships with their peers at country level to facilitate the collection of information and other programme management related activities.
    • The incumbent is expected to work in line with the multi-functional team (MFT) approach as defined within the Program Manual, ensuring the participation of relevant stakeholders in all phases of the Program Management Cycle.
    • All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR's core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.


    • Support the assessment and analysis of the needs of persons of concern in the country/region in a participatory manner and using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective as basis for planning.
    • Assist in managing the development of a broad network of partners, good coordination practices and the development of partner capacities related to programme management if applicable.
    • Assist in organizing and documenting the selection of partners in accordance with the policy on selection and retention of partners, ensuring due diligence to meet the requirements of projects.
    • Provide support to the field with technical advice to ensure partnership agreements are established in a timely manner, regularly monitored and reported on in compliance with established guidelines and procedures included in the framework for implementing with partners.
    • Support the implementation and performance of partnership agreements through field visits and appropriate physical monitoring if applicable, reviewing performance and financial reports.
    • Support the development and implementation of MFT monitoring plans for activities implemented through partnerships and those under direct implementation in line with Programme Manual and programming instructions.
    • Contribute to the review and analysis of operations plans, mid-year and year-end reports of the different UNHCR offices, ensuring quality assurance and compliance with established policies, guidelines, procedures and standards. Generate and maintain records of implementation rate (performance progress and expenditures) on a regular basis.
    • Follow up on any change in regards to alignment of results chain, verifying indicators, budget, prioritization, apportioning needed to measure programme performance, trends and target interventions, contributing to soundness of Operations Plan and enhancement of data quality.
    • Follow up with UNHCR offices the compliance with issuance of audit certificates for partners in line with the Policy on Risk-Based Project Audits.
    • Provide support to the field through technical advice and training on resource allocation processes and other programmatic issues.
    • Use UNHCR's corporate tools (e.g. Focus Client, Global Focus Insight and FOCUS Reader, MSRP) for core activities related to planning, budgeting, implementation and reporting, generating data for evidence-based programmatic decisions and analysis.
    • Support UNHCRs programming of community of practice and continuously contributing to improvements of programming tools and processes.
    • Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
    • Perform other duties as required

    Minimum Qualifications

    Education & Professional Work Experience

    Years of Experience / Degree Level

    • For G6 3 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 2 years relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher

    Method of Application

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