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  • Posted: Jan 8, 2025
    Deadline: Jan 17, 2025
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    Médecins sans frontières (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders, is an international humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization (NGO) and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases.
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    Skilled Labourer

    Main Purpose

    Carrying out specific technical and logistics works according to MSF procedures and his/her Supervisor’s instructions, in order to contribute to the construction, smooth functioning, cleanliness and repairs within MSF premises of the MSF activities within Kenya. 


    • Performing work in the areas of his/her qualifications according to his/her line manager's instructions. This can include the Following jobs and functions:   
    • Storekeeper Assistant: Carrying out tasks of checking, recording, storing goods and preparing goods according to the storekeeper's instructions 
    • Assist the warehouse Team in Carrying out Inventory by: 
    • Counting systematically from one point to another, count every article present in stock, count quantity per item per expiry date/batch no. Count twice before encoding. Item in stock not in the list should be added to the list at the end. 
    • Count systematically quantity inside all boxes in a particular stock 
    • Write down the quantity counted (+ expiry date and batch nb if applicable) in the right column of the inventory sheet (Physical Qty) 
    • Mechanic Assistant: Assisting mechanics in performing all necessary servicing, repair and maintenance works of MSF vehicle fleet and motorized engines 
    • Driver Assistant: Assisting the driver in performing his duties 
    • Maintenance Agent: Performing repairs, maintenance and construction works, according to the supervisor’s instructions 
    • Hygiene Agent: Carrying out cleaning activities in the mission 
    • Taking all necessary safety measures for each work done and ensuring the same for all his/her assistants. 
    • Ensuring cleanliness of common working areas. 
    • Ensuring proper use, storage and maintenance of the equipment and tools provided. 
    • Informing superiors of any incident that may occur in the course of his/her work 
    • Performing tasks delegated to him/her as specified below 



    • Certificate or diploma in Logistics  


    • Previous experience in Logistics 


    • English & Kiswahili 


    • Technical Skills 


    • Commitment to MSF Principles L1 
    • Service Orientation L1 
    • Teamwork and Cooperation L1 
    • Results and Quality Orientation L1 
    • Stress Management L1 
    • Behavioural Flexibility L1 

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    Main Purpose

    Implementing and supervising the epidemiological and operations research in the mission according to MSF protocols, standards and procedures in order to contribute to mitigating the effects of diseases where MSF is present. Assessing, implementing and maintaining the epidemiological surveillance systems/monitoring according to MSF protocols, standards and procedures.


    • Where relevant, participating in defining the objectives of socio-epidemiological and operational research, developing research protocols and methodology including inclusion criteria for participation, sampling and recruitment and data management processes, and identifying the human resources needed to conduct the research to obtain relevant information for the medical or humanitarian intervention. Where relevant, ensuring compliance with MSF laboratory protocols.
    • Coordinating the execution of the research with partners ensuring compliance to MSF protocols.  
    • Providing training to and supervising the team that will participate in performing the research. Providing training sessions to medical and non-medical teams on relevant aspects of epidemiology to enhance team response capacity. 
    • Ensuring individuals and communities included in any research have freely given their consent to participate and have received the correct information in a format they can comprehend.  
    • Reviewing data collection, implementing quality assurance on data processing at research-sites level, and undertaking statistical analysis as appropriate, reporting on a regular basis to the functional referent about study progress and any relevant information for the mission/project.  
    • Writing clear research reports documenting the full methods and results and drawing appropriate conclusions supported by the results. Where appropriate, participating in writing scientific papers.  
    • Ensuring dissemination of findings to the community and authorities as described in the study protocol. 
    • Implementing and maintaining a surveillance system to monitor epidemiological trends of relevant outbreak-prone diseases. Guiding activities of medical staff for surveillance and/or active case finding, including ensuring understanding of the need for consistent case definitions and data recording. 
    • Monitoring and implementing initial assessment (for emergency), rapid health assessments and (baseline or follow-up) surveys.
    • Managing data systems and ensuring accurate, high-quality databases; analysing results and preparing regular written reports on progress and findings for medical coordinator/headquarters and when appropriate to external collaborators/networks (MoH, other NGOs, etc.) 
    • Operational reserch and surveys:Submission of approved protocols to relevant Ethics review comittees (KEMRI, AMREF), National commision for science, technology and innovation (NACOSTI) and lead study implementation, analysis and scientific communication. 
    • Identification of alerts and alert  investigation: Perform scanning and epidemic intelligence activities to identify alerts of outbreak-prone diseases and investifgate specific alerts at National level and nine  counties under MSF OCG EPREP response. 
    • Outbreak investigation and monitoring: Perform outbreak investigations as guided by MSF protocol, investigate cases, implement line-lists for respective outbreak diaseses. Map and visualise distribution of cases. Participate to assessment of the risk of disease transmission and other health threats among target population during outbreak interventions in MSF OCG projects and other counties of OCG EPREP response.  
    • Data Collection, analysis and quality assurance: Support the regular projects and emergency intervention in reviewing existing data collection tools and data systems in place including case investigation forms for outbreaks, data reporting forms for routine collected data, patients linelists. Conduct quarterly and ad hoc DQA between DHIS2 and SITREP data to asure accurate and reliable data. Perform data cleaning and analyse outbreak data and survey data from the projects. 
    • Monitoring of regional health indicators and foresight analysis: Analyze seasonality, trends and future predictions of notifiable diseases of public health importance including climate changes that impact on health within East African region. In collaboration with Medical Coordinator, incorporate anticipated scenarios in OCG and intersectional emergency preparedness plan. 



    • Degree in Medical, Para-medical, or Biomedical with specialization in Epidemiology or Public Health, master’s degree (desirable). 


    • At least 3 years of experience in field epidemiology with medical or public health organization.  
    • At least 3 years of research experience. 


    • English, Swahili and Somali  


    • Use of epidemiology related analytical software (STATA, SPSS and or R) 
    • Database management, data quality control/assurance, statistical analysis, secondary data review, operational research/survey designing and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of logical frameworks. 
    • Conversant with public health information management systems. 
    • Knowledge of DHIS2, QGIS, Osmand, PowerBI, KoboCollect, ODK, RedCap, reference manager software (Zotero, Mendeley, etc.) 


    • Results  Quality Orientation L2 
    • Teamwork  Cooperation L2 
    • Behavioural Flexibility L2 
    • Commitment to MSF Principles L2  
    • Stress Management L3 

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    Main Purpose

    Performing the tasks of transporting authorized goods and passengers in an MSF vehicle, ensuring its technical and safety conditions and respecting the country's traffic rules and MSF security rules, in order to provide a safe, smooth and efficient service. 


    • Checking daily, the technical conditions of the assigned vehicle (state of the tires, oil, fuel, brakes, radio equipment, spare parts, etc.), performing weekly check according to the MSF Logbook, refilling it when necessary, and keeping it clean to ensure it can be driven in perfect conditions. Carrying out a hand over if another uses the vehicle. 
    • Ensuring the security of passengers in the vehicle, driving carefully, observing speed limits and traf-fic rules in the country as well as MSF security rules, in order to avoid car accidents. 
    • Ensuring all passengers have all necessary papers in order before travelling, and ensuring non MSF staff sign disclaimers of responsibility before using the vehicle. 
    • Ensuring correct loading and unloading of the vehicle, submitting the documents to the receiver of the goods, checking the status of delivered goods, returning the duly completed documents to Lo-gistics and ensuring that the goods have the necessary documents. 
    • Ensuring that all vehicle documents and the driver's driving license are valid and in the vehicle. 
    • Informing the line manager of any incident involving the transportation of passengers and/or goods. 
    • Knowing how to use all types of radios, codes, call numbers and radio alphabets by heart and com-municating with base according to MSF communications policy to inform the driver's position and any potential implications. 
    • Knowing and respecting the security rules related to vehicle movements, specifically those related to customs, checkpoints and roadblocks. Ensuring all passengers know and respect the security rules. 

    Project specific accountabilities:

    • Support the logistic and medical activities by bringing necessary support (loading/unloading, helping to install outreach sites and activities). 
    • Fueling the car using the Fuel card (Total station) and ensuring the information is correct. Then noting the information in the logbook. 
    • Notifying of any incident concerning the car to your supervisor and in the car journal.  
    • Flexibility is required, additional tasks may be asked by the supervisor in order to correctly carry out MSF activities. 



    • Essential literacy and driving license. Good knowledge of country roads 


    • Essential 2 years minimum of previous driving experience 
    • Desirable experience with specific vehicles to use (4x4, boats, motorbikes, etc.) 
    • Desirable in MSF or other NGOs 


    • Mission language and local language essential 


    • Desirable knowledge of basic mechanics 
    • Good knowledge of mission area roads 


    • Results and Quality Orientation L1 
    • Teamwork and Cooperation L1 
    • Behavioural Flexibility L1 
    • Commitment to MSF Principles L1 
    • Stress Management L2 

    Deadline for application: 17th January 2025

    Method of Application

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