The County Government of Turkana is one of the 47 county governments formed by the County Government’s Act of 2012 of the Constitution of Kenya (2010).
The County Government is led by Governor Jeremiah Ekamais Lomorukai Napotikan and Deputy Governor Dr. John Lopeyok Erus who head the County... read more Executive implementing development projects to benefit the people. The County Government Headquarters is based in Lodwar Town, with offices located off Nawoitorong’ Road in Kanamkemer Ward, Turkana Central Sub County.
At 77,000 sq. km, Turkana County is the second largest county, covering more than 13% of Kenya’s surface. This vast land in the northwest of Kenya is an awakening economic giant, for beneath its surface lie huge oil deposits that are currently being explored and will see extraction in an industrial scale during the years to come – a windfall for a county with a population of slightly over 1 million.
An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following disciplines: - Animal Hea
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: - Fisheries, Zoology, Aquatic Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Biochemistry, Food Sci
An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Bachelor of Science degree in any of the following fields
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Bachelor of Science degree in any of the following disciplines: Animal Science/Animal Production, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Food Science and Techn
An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: -
Requirements and competencies for appointment
Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines; Animal Health Management;
Animal Production, Animal Production and Health Management,
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Electronic engineering, telecommunication engineering, electrical engineering, instrumental and control
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Civil Engineering, Building and
Construction, or its equivalent qualification from a recognized
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Automotive engineering or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
Certificate in
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: food technology, Institutional management, catering and housekeeping or its equivalent qualification fr
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: clothing and interior design, fashion design and textile technology or its equivalent qualification fro
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Hair dressing and Beauty therapy or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution. .
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Computer Science/studies, information and communication technology or its equivalent qualification from
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Mechanical engineering (Production), Welding and fabrication or its equivalent qualification from a rec
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Water Engineering, Water resource and technology management, Plumbing and Pipe fitting or its equivalen
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in any of the following discipline: Building and Construction, Carpentry and joinery or its equivalent qualification from a recognized inst
Requirements and competencies for appointment:
Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education offered by KNEC or its approved equivalent;
Registered by the Teachers Service Commission (T
Requirements and competencies for appointment: -
Certificate in Early Childhood Development Education offered by KNEC/Ministry of Education or its approved equivalent
Registered by the Teacher