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  • Posted: Dec 19, 2024
    Deadline: Jan 10, 2025
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    The World Agroforestry Centre, is an international institute headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and founded in 1978. The Centre specializes in the sustainable management, protection and regulation of tropical rainforest and natural reserves.
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    Postdoctoral Scientist-Energy and Climate Modelling - SEI


    The position holder will conduct research on energy, climate change and air quality supporting African countries to develop policies, strategies and action plans for energy, climate change and air quality and supporting integrated planning for water-energy-food (WEF) nexus analysis. A major role for the position holder will be to undertake emissions modelling using SEI’s LEAP (Low Emission Analysis Platform) tool, and other and other energy, air quality and climate modelling and management tools. The position holder will also be involved in policy engagement at national and African level, and contribute to capacity building activities, including training while also providing scientific advice to policy makers, local communities, and private sector actors.
    Duties and responsibilities

    Research, policy, and capacity development tasks

    • Lead the Centre’s research on energy, air pollution and climate modeling using the LEAP (Low-Emissions Analysis Platform) tool and other energy and air pollution modeling tools to quantify current and projected energy supply and demand, air pollutants and greenhouse gases across different sectors, considering drivers of change, including social and macro-economic drivers;
    • Lead and coordinate internal and external capacity-building initiatives, including coordinating training and providing technical support for users of SEI’s Decision Support Tool (LEAP) for energy, air pollution, and climate modeling;
    • Lead projects, including coordinating project teams, and contributing to research design, data collection and archiving, data analysis, writing of publications, and dissemination of findings through seminars, workshops, conferences, and other public outreach activities;
    • Support the Centre’s engagement in key policy processes on air quality and climate change, including implementation of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) resolution 3/8 on preventing and reducing air pollution, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), among others, at the national, regional and global levels;
    • Provide thought leadership on sustainable energy, air pollution, and climate modeling by identifying, analysing, and proposing actions by SEI to respond to emerging environment and development issues related to sustainable energy, air pollution, and climate change at the global, regional, and national levels;
    • Contribute to the formulation and implementation of the Energy and Climate Change Programme’s work plan, including budget preparation, programme design, knowledge management, and implementation of research projects;
    • Supervise postgraduate students and contribute to teaching and training at universities that have partnership arrangements with SEI.

    Project specific tasks

    • Lead emissions modelling to support SEI’s work on Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) and Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs), including the Africa Methane Community of Practice (AmCoP) and the development of methane roadmaps in Gabon, Senegal and Chad
    • Provide support to the development of Africa Clean Air Programme (ACAP)
    • Undertake climate modelling and development of scenarios for the project “Applying the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to Promote Ecosystem Based Adaptation in the Ewaso Ng’iro North River Catchment, Kenya.”
    • Support the implementation of the EU funded project ONEPlanET (OpeN source Nexus modelling tools for Planning sustainable Energy Transition in Africa).
    • Work on existing and new projects as assigned by the supervisor.

    Business development

    • Lead and/or support the preparation of project concept notes, research proposals, and grant applications in accordance with SEI strategic objectives.


    • Ph.D. degree in energy, engineering, environmental science, climate science, atmospheric chemistry, or relevant interdisciplinary studies;
    • Research experience in energy, climate and air pollution modeling. Experience and skills in using SEI’s Low Emission Analysis Platform (LEAP) will be an added advantage;
    • Research, policy, and capacity development experience in climate and air quality management, and related areas preferably applied research that informs policy and decision-making in the African context;
    • Knowledge and understanding of energy, climate, and air quality policies in related sectors;
    • Experience in communicating scientific information to a range of different audiences;
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, experienced in working with multicultural and multidisciplinary research teams
    • Fluency in English or French is a requirement, and strong ability in one or more additional international language(s), with excellent writing skills.

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    Postdoctoral Scientist- Water Systems- SEI


    To lead and coordinate the Centre’s research on Water Systems, including Integrated Water Planning and water-energy-food (WEF) nexus analysis. A major role for the position holder will be to undertake water modelling using SEI’s WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) tool, and other water modelling and management tools, lead policy engagement on water, oceans and blue economy, coordinate capacity building activities, including training and provide scientific advice to external partners, including policy makers, local communities and private sector actors.

    Duties and responsibilities

    Research, policy, and capacity development tasks

    • Lead and coordinate water systems modelling and analysis using the WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) tool and other water management tools to quantify current and projected water demands across different sectors, considering drivers of change, including climatic variability.
    • Coordinate the Centre’s research on Integrated Water Planning, water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus, Water and Sanitation (WASH), and Oceans and Blue Economy.
    • Coordinate Centre’s engagement in key water and ocean policy processes at the national, regional, and global levels, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development (2018-2028), the United Nations Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), and the African Ministerial Conference on Water (AMCOW) processes.
    • Conduct internal and external water focussed capacity building initiatives, including coordinating training and providing technical support for users of SEI’s Decision Support Tools (DST) for water planning and management.
    • Contribute to formulation and implementation of the Centre’s Annual Workplan, including budget preparation, programme design, knowledge management, and project  implementation.
    • Support the Communications team in outreach activities, including media appearances, public presentations, science-policy dialogues, and preparation of articles for specialist publications as appropriate.
    • Supervise postgraduate students and contribute to teaching and training at universities that have partnership arrangements with SEI.

    Centre development

    • Manage projects, including coordinating project teams, and contributing to research design, data collection and archiving, data analysis, writing of publications, and dissemination of findings through seminars, workshops, conferences, and other public outreach activities.
    • Provide guidance to early career research staff in the research process and career development and contribute to SEI’s staff research development program.
    • Contribute to strengthening the relationship between the Centre and other partners through joint research, policy engagement and capacity development activities.

    Project specific tasks

    • Coordinate the implementation of the project “Applying the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to Promote Ecosystem Based Adaptation in the Ewaso Ng’iro North River Catchment, Kenya.”
    • Support the implementation of the EU funded project ONEPlanET (OpeN source Nexus modelling tools for Planning sustainable Energy Transition in Africa).
    • Support the implementation of the project “Integrated Management of Natural Resources for Resilience in the ASALs (IMARA).”
    • Work on existing and new projects as assigned by the supervisor.


    • Ph.D. degree in Hydrology, Engineering (Civil, Water, or Agriculture Engineering), Geography, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Science, or interdisciplinary studies with Water relevant qualifications.
    • Research background in water management, WEF (water-energy-food) nexus, ocean and ecosystems management, preferably applied research that links to policy and decision-making in African context.
    • Experience in water systems analysis, and water modelling in a GIS platform, including strong ability and skills in using Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) tool and other water modelling tools.
    • Knowledge and understanding of policies on water, oceans and in related sectors
    • Experience in communicating scientific information to a range of different audiences.
    • Proven experience in fundraising and writing research grant proposals.

    Method of Application

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