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  • Posted: Feb 5, 2025
    Deadline: Feb 15, 2025
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    The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is the global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Through an international network, ADRA delivers relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 130 countries—regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious association. By partnering with ...
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    Project Manager

    • Project Implementation and Accountability:
    • Ensure the timely planning of project activities through the development of Program
    • Implementation Plan (PIP), Annual Work Plans, Detailed Implementation Plans, Monthly
    • Activity Schedules and Procurement Plans.
    • Conduct the Project Initiation in the project location, through start-up meeting or workshop and other stakeholder engagements meetings/events.
    • Oversee the accomplishment of the project activities in line with the project plans and DIPs within the approved project timeframes.
    • Identify and manage project risks, whilst ensuring timely communication of emerging risks and possible mitigation measures, to the Programs Department.
    • Ensures timely preparation and summation of all Activity approvals, Financial and Purchase requests for all related project activities by the project staff, as well as timely reporting (programmatic and financial reporting).
    • Develop strategic innovations that enhance the sustainability of the project and create an opportunity for scale up or future funding.
    • Ensure that quality and standards are maintained through the entire project
    • implementation.
    • Staff Management
    • Supervises 10 technical staff, 2 administrative support staff and 2 drivers assigned to the project.
    • Guide, mentor and coach the project staff under his/her supervision in ensuring quality
    • planning, execution, monitoring and reporting of the project activities.
    • Set achievable targets and key performance indicators for the project staff, in line with the project objectives.
    • Conduct performance appraisals for the project staff, and report to the Programs and HR department.
    • Ensures clear communication amongst the project staff, proper behavioral conduct and an amicable way of resolving issues. Escalate issues that need attention of and action by the senior management.
    • Mentor the project staff on project implementation, collaborations, stakeholder relations,
    • project reporting and communications.
    • Identify any staff training needs and propose to the Programs Department.
    • Project Monitoring, Reporting and Transition
    • Responsible for the overall monitoring of the implementation progress of the project in line with the project outcome and output indicators.
    • Ensures all required Project Reports (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual) are prepared and submitted as per the donor guidelines (ensuring timeliness and quality).
    • Progress reports may be requested on a needs-basis.
    • Prepare a timely Project exit strategy and plan, for gradual and system planning to the end of the project.
    • Stakeholder Management and Collaborations
    • Map out, document, and share on a regular basis all the stakeholders relevant to the project.
    • Identify and address any needs amongst the stakeholders, which may influence the project implementation.
    • Establish and maintain good working relationships with other implementing organizations and stakeholders within the project location.
    • Strategically engages relevant County partners and stakeholders in the project activities.
    • Represent ADRA Kenya in all County and Stakeholder forums including CSGs.
    • Actively participate in County planning meetings and/or with other agencies, for strategic maximization of possible complementary funding of the project activities.
    • Documentation:
    • Responsible for the safe keeping and filling of all project documents including the
    • Agreements, Project Proposals, Change Requests/Proposals, Budgets, Quarterly, Baseline,
    • Quarterly, End-Evaluation and Project Closure reports and back-up on the office server.
    • Lead the project officers in documenting project success stories and submit with every progress report.
    • Lead the project officers in ensuring that all project photos from the project initiation to closure are deposited in a named project folder and backed up in the office server.

    Additional Job Responsibilities

    • Support the design and development of new concept and proposals for related programming information management and reporting
    • The Project Manager may be tasked with additional duties within their level of expertise and experience as deemed relevant to the assignment and advancement of the projectvobjective by the supervisor

    Desired Competencies and Minimum Qualifications

    • Education University degree in Project Management, Development Studies, Health,
    • Education, Gender, or any other relevant academic qualifications
    • Experience At least 3-year experience in a comparable position
    • Knowledge in project management (technical, budgets and staff/people management)
    • Extensive experience in strategic planning and management, including project/program development and implementation and grants’ management
    • Experience in Health, rights and educations related programming
    • A good understanding of the social-economic and environmental dynamics of the ASAL counties, of Kenya particularly, Turkana region.

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    Gender Technical Specialist

    Specific Tasks (Project Level)

    • Gender Integration and Needs Assessment
    • Conducting continuous Gender Assessments so as to gather essential information about gender dynamics and different needs, priorities, and opportunities that exist among different groups within the target project area.
    • Coordinating for effective interation of gender-transformative SRHR priorities and GBV measures into planning, budgeting, and learning, ensuring representation of community voices, including vulnerable groups, women, men, and local religious leaders.
    • Conducting Gender-Based Violence (GBV) risk assessment to systematically identify, assess, and understand the risks of GBV in the target community and inform mitigation and prevention strategies.
    • Gender Equality Strategy (GES) Implementation
    • Developing and implementing appropriate GES that ensures all project interventions and activities are both gender responsive and transformative, aligning with the project framework and local priorities, ensuring they are consistent with best practices or standards and inclusion of people disabilities, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds.
    • Providing technical guidance and supporting to project staff, partners, and stakeholders on SRHR priorities and GBV interventions.
    • Building the capacity of outreach health workers and awareness campaigns about available SRH/GBV services and how to access them.
    • Conducting locally-appropriate gender-equality training and awareness campaigns to ensure effective delivery of SRHR needs and GBV support services that are sensitive to cultural and gender specific-needs.
    • Faciliating critical reflection sessions to promote awareness on gender equality and harmful social/cultural norms at the community level related to SRHR and GBV.
    • Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
    • Ensuring that data and indicators are appropriately sex and disaggregated, contributing to a robust monitoring and implemtation of project indicators and priorities.
    • Supporting the monitoring and reporting of GES priorities and project activities that are consistent with the project framework.
    • Prepare reports and documentation for donors, stakeholders, and internal purposes on gender equality program progress, outcomes, and impact.
    • Document and disseminate best practices, lessons learned, and success stories in gender mainstreaming.
    • Contribute to the development of gender-related resources, toolkits, and reports for internal and external audiences.
    • Advocacy and stakeholder engagement
    • Supporting development of a community gender awareness action plan and follow up on the level of implementation of the plan
    • Support advocacy efforts to influence gender-responsive policies and programs at local and national levels.
    • Represent the organization in gender-related forums, conferences, and working groups.
    • Actively engaging with policymakers and advocating for a comprehensive, gender and age-responsive (GAR), and inclusive approach, emphasizing the importance of filling data gaps to better design policy and programs that support the advancement of SRHR needs and prevents and responds to GBV.
    • Other tasks:
    • Supports HR in safeguarding hiring practices, conducting staff training and orientation of policy and code of conduct, awareness and capacity building sessions within the communities.
    • Formulate, implement and update the organizational level gender
    • mainstreaming plan, including training project staff on gender, and coordinating training on gender for other project stakeholders.
    • Perform other duty as deemed relevant to the assignment and advancement of the project objective by the supervisor

    Desired Competencies and Minimum Qualifications

    • Education University degree or equivalent in Gender and Development Studies, or any other relevant field; – with additional training in gender and development, project management, and/or communications related to SRHR, GBV and gender transformative focused projects.
    • Experience Minimum of 5 years of experience in gender equality programming, including SRHR and GBV particularly in the context of development projects or international organizations in Kenya, particularly among the pastoralists).
    • Proven experience in gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, and gender- transforamtive programming.
    • A good understanding of the social-economic and environmental dynamics of the ASAL counties, of Kenya, particularly, Turkana County

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    Health Officer

    • Work Plans (AWP) and Detailed Implementation Plans (DIPs) to identify project targets and ensure inclusion of health-related activities.
    • Ensures timely development and submission of reports including progress reports monthly, quarterly and indicator performance reports for tracking progress against key indicators as needed on a timely manner.
    • Conduct field monitoring visits to assess implementation progress, ensure compliance with organizational standards and donor requirements, identify challenges, and provide on-the-ground support to enhance project effectiveness. Engage with beneficiaries, stakeholders, and field teams to gather feedback and ensure program impact aligns with objectives.
    • Other tasks:
    • Provides support in project communication to ensure that all stakeholders are informed on an ongoing basis about the project’s objectives and activities, overall project progress, and the opportunities for involvement in various aspects of the project’ implementation.
    • Conducts engagement activities with local, regional, and national stakeholders for policy change and impacts on the ground.
    • Collaborate closely with other project team members, including the Gender Officer,
    • CoLMEAL Officer, and MEAL Officer, to ensure effective planning, implementation, and monitoring of project activities.
    • Performs any other duties as deemed relevant to the assignment and advancement of the project objectives by the supervisor.

    Desired Competencies and Minimum Qualifications

    • Education University degree in Health and Nutrition, Nursing, Community Health Nursing,
    • Nutrition and Dietetics, Public health (Nutrition), Public Health (Health Promotion) or any other relevant academic qualifications
    • Experience At least three (3) years’ experiences in project implementation with gender sensitive health promotion component.
    • Extensive experience in working with communities especially in indigenous, remote, resettlement or urban poor areas (IRRUA)
    • Demonstrated experience in participatory processes and in facilitating dialogue among and between communities, development partners, the private sector, civil society, and government on sensitive matters
    • A good understanding of the social-economic and environmental dynamics of the ASAL counties, of Kenya particularly, Turkana County

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    Monitoring Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer

    The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Officer manages information and reporting processes and products to ensure professional, high-quality communication about ADRA Kenya’s STRONGER programmatic activities and results. The MEAL Officer will also play an essential role in improving information management and data quality and strengthening knowledge sharing and learning at the community level and across the organization and with the international health and development communities. The MEAL Officer will assume responsibility for full-cycle monitoring and evaluation of the STRONGER project, developing appropriate methodologies and tools to design evaluations.

    Specific Tasks

    General M&E Tasks:

    • Develop, implement, and continuously assess monitoring frameworks to track the progress and effectiveness of the STRONGER project.
    • Develop the overall framework for project M&E systems in collaboration with the project manager and other senior project staff (from Country office and ADRA Canada), including M&E requirements, data collection, reporting, baseline, annual surveys and evaluations.
    • Develop and monitor project management plan to systematically document performance across all project activities.
    • Ensure the alignment of M&E activities with program goals
    • Ensure adherence to specific monitoring and reporting requirements for GAC funded projects, including requirements related to Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation framework, Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) as well as other requirements under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • Contribute to the development of the Program Implementation Plan (PIP), annual work plans (AWPs) and detailed implementation plans (DIPs) to identify project targets and ensure inclusion of M&E activities
    • Develop and maintain user-friendly indicator tracking tools; as well as databases and other tracking tools as needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of project interventions ensuring timely data uploading by activity holders.
    • Ensure that all data collection tools and instruments (surveys, interviews, focus groups) are designed to capture gender-age, and disability disaggregated data
    • Develop and track gender-sensitive indicators to measure progress towards gender equality goals within the project.
    • Analyse data for accuracy, flag validation or quality issues, and contribute to system fixes, management decision-making and reporting
    • Ensure timely development and submission of reports including progress reports as well as monthly and quarterly indicator performance reports for tracking progress against key indicators as needed
    • Conduct field visits for data validation and to monitor the quality and completeness of data sets; coordinate data collection at project sites to monitor program development and ensure timely compilation and reporting of data; capture and document lessons learned, and champion the scaling up best practices.
    • Review and refine content and presentation of all reports and deliverables before submission to ensure superior quality, accuracy and professionalism.
    • Analyse the impact of programs on different community groups (women, men, disabled,) and assess the effectiveness of interventions in addressing gender disparities.
    • Promote the sharing of lessons learned related to gender equality, particularly regarding effective strategies for empowering women and other marginalized genders.
    • Ensure timely submission of relevant MEAL documents as required by the donor

    Other Tasks:

    • Support in reviewing and refining the organizational level monitoring evaluation accountability and learning framework, including training project staff on M&E and community-led monitoring evaluation and learning approaches.
    • Support the development, design, and writing of proposals and concept notes for related programming information management and reporting
    • Perform other duties as deemed relevant to the assignment and advancement of the project objective by the supervisor

    Desired Competencies and Minimum Qualifications

    • Education University degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics, Demographics, Public Health, or International Development with additional training in Monitoring and Evaluation is preferred.
    • Experience At least three (3) years’ experience in project implementation/management, with proven success in designing, implementing, and operating M&E systems from project initiation to close out.
    • Extensive experience in strategic planning and performance management, including indicator selection, target setting, reporting, database management, and developing M&E and performance monitoring plans.
    • Experience in planning and managing surveys, developing and refining data collection tools, and with data quality assessments and oversight.
    • Demonstrated experience in participatory processes and in facilitating dialogue among and between communities, development partners, the private sector, civil society, and government on sensitive matters.
    • Demonstrated ability to synthesize complex information and communicate it effectively to diverse audiences; experience in designing and implementing efficient workflows and procedures.
    • A good understanding of the social-economic and environmental dynamics of the ASAL counties, of Kenya particularly, Turkana County

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