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  • Posted: Sep 21, 2024
    Deadline: Not specified
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    Abt Associates is a global leader in research, evaluation and program implementation; driving innovation and measurable impact for more than 50 years. What sets us apart is our evidence-based and multi-disciplinary approach to solving tough challenges in health, social and environmental policy and international development. Specific areas we work in include:...
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    HERO Kenya - Beneficiary Welfare Committee Consultant

    Specific Objectives 

    • The consultant will support the project to: 
    • Establish the proportion of functional BWCs in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • Establish the effects of BWCs on service delivery for vulnerable populations in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • Examine the role of BWCs on grievance reporting for vulnerable households in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • Examine the role of BWCs on improving access for social health protection services in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • Examine the role of BWCs on demand creation for social health protection services in PEPFAR supported counties and, 
    • Establish how BWCs in PEPFAR supported counties are financed. 


    • A detailed inception report outlining the consultant's approach, methodology, tools and work plan.  
    • A study report validated with views and feedback from stakeholders clearly showing findings on the following themes: 
    • The proportion of functional BWCs in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • The effects of BWCs on service delivery for vulnerable populations in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • The role of BWCs on grievance reporting for vulnerable households in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • The role of BWCs on improving access for social health protection services in PEPFAR supported counties. 
    • The role of BWCs on demand creation for social health protection services in PEPFAR supported counties and, 
    • The financing streams for BWCs in PEPFAR supported Counties. 
    • A policy brief on BWCs based on the findings of the study 
    • A PowerPoint presentation deck of the final study report 


    • Minimum of an Advanced degree in Social policy, Statistics, Economics, Social sciences or related field.  
    • At least 7 years’ experience in social protection services. 
    • Experience working with the National Social Protection Secretariat and Counties. 
    • Substantive experience in conducting similar consultancies, particularly supporting the development of social protection governance systems and evaluation 
    • Analytical and conceptual ability and demonstrated skills in facilitating teamwork and satisfactorily completing documentation 
    • Clear understanding of the social protection landscape in Kenya or comparable developing country  
    • Demonstrate ability to work in a multi-cultural environment 
    • Excellent communication, report writing, and presentation skills. 

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    HERO KENYA - Social Protection in Health/Financial Inclusion Systems Consultant

    Specific objectives  

    • The consultant in country will support the project to: 
    • Determine number/proportion of PEPFAR supported counties using the Harmonized Targeting Methodology (HTM) to identify and enrol vulnerable households and reporting through the Enhanced Single Registry (ESR) 
    • Determine the number/proportion of PEPFAR supported counties using Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) to identify and enrol vulnerable households. 
    • Examine the concurrence of data from ESR, CPIMS and PEPFAR sources on enrolment of vulnerable households and extent of interoperability between the ESR and the CPIMS. 
    • Examine the extent to which information from the ESR and CPMIS are utilized to guide policy and decision making in aspects such as increasing budgetary allocation, access and demand to health and social protection services for vulnerable populations at the national and county level. 
    • Attend project meetings as required. 


    • Detailed inception report outlining the consultant's approach, methodology, and work plan. 
    • A landscape assessment report showing the proportion of PEPFAR supported counties using the Harmonized Targeting Methodology (HTM), ESR and CPMIS to identify and enrol vulnerable households and children, and the utilization of data for decision making.  
    • Policy brief summarizing the key findings and recommendations for improving identification, enrolment and reporting through the Enhanced Single Registry (ESR) and opportunities for contributing to increase in budgeting, access and demand for health and social protection services for vulnerable populations at the national and county level. 


    • Minimum of an Advanced degree in social sciences. 
    • At least 7 years’ experience in social protection, with a focus on data management development, social protection information systems.  
    • Experience in use of the Harmonized Targeting Tool, Enhanced Single Registry and Child Protection Information Management System. 
    • Experience working with the National Social Protection Secretariat and Counties. 
    • Substantive experience in conducting similar consultancies, particularly supporting the development and evaluation of management information systems in social protection.  
    • Analytical and conceptual ability and demonstrated skills in facilitating teamwork and satisfactorily completing documentation. 
    • Clear understanding of the social protection landscape in Kenya or comparable developing country.  
    • Demonstrate ability to work in a multi-cultural environment. 
    • Excellent communication, report writing, and presentation skills. 

    Method of Application

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