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  • Posted: Jan 14, 2025
    Deadline: Jan 24, 2025
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    The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the UN agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The Urban Economy Branch of UN-Habitat has the mandate to promote local capabilities of local go...
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    Knowledge and Policy Consultant

    • Facilitate the overall preparation of the strategic report for humanitarian development practice
    • Facilitate discussions across PFES teams on migration, voluntary local reviews and SDGs
    • Produce advocacy and communication material for humanitarian development practice
    • Produce the strategic report for humanitarian development practice

    Qualifications/special skills

    • 1st level university degree in Public Affairs, Political Science, Social Sciences, Urban Studies Social Sciences, Communications, Development Studies, or other relevant areas is required.
    • A minimum of two (2) years of relevant experience in the organization of events and workshops is required.
    • Knowledge and experience in advocacy engagement, preferably on issues related to sustainable development, local and urban development, and international cooperation is desirable.

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    Technical Analysis Consultant

    Key objectives of the consultancy include:

    • conducting mapping and analysis focusing on the localization of the six transitions; and identifying areas of improvement and lessons learned, and making recommendations to improve programming of future interventions and support by the United Nations system related to the localization approaches as a pathway to achieving the SDGs. More specifically, the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
    • Define and agree on methodology: Collaborate with Working Group 1 Co-leads to agree on the final scope, methodology and approach for the mapping exercise (see below).
    • Map interventions: Conduct a detailed mapping of local interventions, initiatives and practices by United Nations entities, focusing on the localization of the six SDG transitions, demonstrating the impact of localized actions. These should include actions from United Nations headquarters, joint initiatives, and other HIIs. This will involve systematically analysing the results of recent surveys and other relevant data, including UN-DESA and United Nations Development Coordination Office (DCO) surveys, the United Nations Task Force on Leveraging Partnerships Towards the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and UNCT data.
    • Focus on cross-cutting issues: Assess how cross-cutting issues – such as gender equality, youth and human rights – have been integrated in the mapped interventions.
    • Analyse detailed needs and best practices in selected contexts: Analyse the current state of play, multilevel governance actions, local actors, best practices, and the needs/demands in a selection of country contexts (to be confirmed) for each SDG transition, particularly in relation to localization.
    • Formulate recommendations for the United Nations system, including the DCO and UNCTs, and for governments at national and local levels to effectively support SDG localization through a systems approach, including by leveraging the six transitions.
    • Assess scale-up opportunities: Assess the potential to scale up the mapped interventions and to promote their uptake by local and national governments in their planning processes. This also includes identifying connections between SDG localization and national-level initiatives (including the HIIs) to scale impact.
    • Reporting Line This post is located the Urban Practices Branch of UN-Habitat and specifically within its SDG localization and local governments team. The incumbent will be supervised by the Human Settlements Officer coordinating the work of the team, and under direct supervision of the Chief of the Urban Practices Branch. The expert will work in proximity to the other members of the team as well as other units, sections and offices across the Agency.

    Qualifications/special skills

    • Advanced degree in international development, public policy, or a related field.
    • Required At least 10 years of relevant professional experience in policy support, coordination and policy analysis for development planning and implementation.
    • Required Proven expertise in SDG localization, multilevel governance, and knowledge of United Nations mechanisms.
    • Desirable Experience working with UNCTs and knowledge of SDG-related initiatives.
    • Desirable Excellent drafting skills, including the ability to produce high-quality reports. Desirable Strong analytical skills and experience in conducting mapping exercises and synthesizing complex information. Desirable

    Method of Application

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