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  • Posted: Dec 24, 2024
    Deadline: Not specified
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    The World Food Programme is the food assistance branch of the United Nations and the world's largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security.
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    Regional Gender, Protection, Inclusion Advisor, CST - II


    The GPI Advisor will report to the Head of Programme Operations Unit in RBN, with technical support from HQ. The GPI Advisor will manage a small team including functional focal points on gender and protection / AAP. 


    The GPI Advisor will be responsible for coordinating a small team and the below key duties:

    Technical Support to Country Offices

    • Analysis: The Advisor will provide technical guidance, advice, and where needed in-country support to COs in undertaking integrated gender, protection, and inclusion (GPI) analysis with a particular focus on aspects impacting food insecurity and vice-versa and arising from WFP operations and presence.
    • Work on data protection and privacy and privacy impact assessments (PIAs) as necessary, in accordance with corporate policy and guidance. Guidance on IHL implications for operations will also be required where relevant, including on cross-border assistance and application of Security Council Resolution 2417.
    • Provide support on risk analysis as part of corporate risk management should also be provided where relevant.
    • Response: Provide technical guidance and advice on the integration of gender, protection, disability inclusion, conflict sensitivity, and AAP to COs in the region through remote support as well as in-country missions.
    • Based on the GPI analysis, provide support to the country offices and partners to develop risk mitigation measures including programme adjustments, advocacy initiatives, partnership building and coordination enhancement activities, etc. The Advisor shall work closely with WFP field staff; protection / gender-mandated and non-mandated agencies; WFP Cooperating Partners; and other relevant interlocutors on the ground in this regard.
    • Advise, guide, and steer RBN and Country Offices on the implementation of the corporate Gender Policy including the mainstreaming of gender equality and women’s empowerment within WFP operations and programmatic interventions at the regional level and at Country Office level.
    • Monitoring: The Advisor will work with the Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) teams and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Units in the region to integrate relevant GPI concerns into assessment and monitoring tools and support the roll-out of any updated monitoring mechanisms with WFP and partners at the CO and field level.
    • Manage the effective application and use of relevant markers including the Gender and Age Marker (GaM) and Gender Equality and Accountability Marker / GPI Accountability Marker (GEAR / GPI-AR) through supervision of team members focusing on the area and/or by supporting country office teams to sustainably report on gender equality, women’s empowerment, protection, and inclusion outcomes, and mainstreamed gender equality objectives/goals in all WFP strategies, projects and programmes.
    • Research and conceptual development: Where appropriate, support COs to develop and assess potential theories of change of how WFP’s programming may contribute to peace and to gender transformation and suggest means of measuring such contributions and engage /support research on the same where possible and relevant.

    Global and Regional Collaboration

    • Engagement with corporate policy and strategic framework: Provide feedback on the utility / effectiveness of existing corporate tools relating to gender, protection, conflict sensitivity, inclusion, and AAP, and provide input into the development of new corporate tools and policies, strategies, and guidance as relevant.
    • Integration into existing tools and processes: Provide advice and technical support to integrate GPI considerations into WFP’s existing tools and processes as relevant at the regional level.
    • Work with senior management in the RB and the COs to ensure strong institutional commitment and leadership (through active and visible champions) for GPI including Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, Protection, Disability Inclusion, AAP, and other programme and process objectives.
    • Cross-functional engagement: The Advisor will ensure the team works with all other regional units at the Bureau as necessary, including programme units and sub-units, risk, tech, security, logistics, supply chain, and others, to ensure that GPI considerations are incorporated into other programme guidance where relevant, and that risk assessments for access and delivery take into account protection of civilians / beneficiaries and conflict sensitivity concerns as well as other GPI considerations where relevant. 
    • Support the establishment and coordination of the work, and strengthen the technical capacity, of the internal gender infrastructure including Regional Bureau Gender Results Team and the regional and CO Gender Results Network;
    • Inter-agency coordination and representation in regional fora: Coordinate with other UN humanitarian agencies, NGO partners and other relevant interlocutors on assessments of current and emerging GPI issues, gender, protection, and conflict dynamics, and response planning. Specifically, the Advisor will assist WFP to strengthen its engagement with the relevant inter-agency gender and protection / inclusion coordination mechanisms and individual gender and protection actors to ensure complementarity with the respective overall strategies.

    Capacity Building and Partnership Engagement

    • Training and Information provision: Identify capacity strengthening needs and facilitate capacity building, including training, and develop and implement (including through supervision within the team) training across the region on GPI analysis, gender transformative programming, protection mainstreaming and risk mitigation, inclusion and accessibility, conflict sensitivity, peacebuilding, and AAP for WFP and cooperating partner staff across the region.
    • Train and build the capacity of staff on GPI analysis, protection and GPI risk mitigation measures, gender awareness, mainstreaming, and gender programming, supporting improved ability by all WFP staff to integrate the key principles in WFP’s work throughout the programme cycle, including regular dissemination of new guidance, tools and approaches for this work, and link staff to available training and other opportunities in their country of operation and elsewhere.
    • Partnership development and strengthening/ maintenance: Build links and forge partnerships with GPI, peacebuilding, and conflict sensitivity actors. Maintain and expand existing partnerships relevant to GPI and identify opportunities for collaboration with partner agencies and new partnership, including with Women-Led Organisations, Organisations of Persons with Disabilities, and other representative and local organisations including civil society organisations and grassroots groups; 
    • Represent WFP in relevant inter-agency gender, protection, inclusion, AAP, and other relevant fora, and will provide advice to WFP staff who participate in such meetings at the national or field levels;
    • Strengthen strategic partnerships on GPI and, where relevant, support mobilization of resources required to effectively implement the relevant corporate GPI policies and guidance, along with associated regional strategies. 

    Community Feedback Mechanism and PSEA

    • Community Feedback Mechanism: Work closely with the RBN Monitoring Team to provide any needed technical advice and support to COs on CFM implementation and enhancement, including achievement of the relevant benchmarks.  Provide support to ensuring an AAP and community engagement lens in all aspects of CFM including both policy and implementation as relevant. Ensure that gender, protection, and inclusion are mainstreamed in all aspects of CFM;
    • Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Provide policy advice, technical guidance and implementation support to all teams to prevent and address SEA and engage with regional and country level work on PSEA as necessary. Facilitate and support the work of PSEA Focal Points in COs.


    • Perform other related duties as required.


    • WFP regionally has an increasingly rationalized and streamlined approach for operationalizing its corporate crosscutting commitments, and can demonstrate tangible progress on key benchmarks through technical support and, where relevant, oversight to all country offices in the Region.
    • Annual Country Reports (ACR) for the year have met minimum quality standards from the perspective of corporate cross-cutting issues.
    • Capacity building provided to the country office staff on protection, accountability to affected populations, disability inclusion, gender transformative approaches and women’s empowerment, and / or other cross-cutting topics as relevant.
    • Support to COs to finalise / update Gender Action Plans, GPI Action Plans, Community Engagement Action Plans, Protection Analysis, or other key foundational documents, with minimum 5 COs supported to finalise / update one or more during the consultancy
    • Technical, policy and programmatic support provided as needed on the integration of gender, protection, disability inclusion, AAP, and other cross-cutting perspectives in the overall strategic planning and programming of WFP projects/programmes.
    • Strengthened coordination mechanisms for gender mainstreaming and gender-transformative programming developed among gender advisors and gender results networks.
    • Facilitated WFP engagement in regional interagency working groups and networks including on Gender in Humanitarian Action, Disability Inclusion, Accountability to Affected Populations / Community Engagement, Protection, Gender-Based Violence, PSEA, and/or others.
    • Support provided to country offices as needed in mainstreaming gender, protection, AAP, conflict sensitivity, disability inclusion, and others into needs assessment and monitoring frameworks including adaptation of tools, collection, analysis and reporting processes



    Advanced University degree in International Law, Development Studies, Gender, Social Sciences, or a related field relevant to international development and humanitarian assistance.


    • At least 5-10 years (majority of which at international and field level) of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in development projects or humanitarian assistance, including crisis and post-crisis contexts; experience in the Eastern Africa / Horn of Africa region is highly desirable.
    • In-depth knowledge of gender, protection, and inclusion in humanitarian and development settings, especially in the areas of Protection, AAP, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, Gender-Based Violence, Disability Inclusion, humanitarian policy issues, and their linkage with food security, nutrition and climate change.
    • Demonstrated experience working on humanitarian protection and/or international humanitarian law,human rights law and programming in a field setting.
    • Experience of managing teams and projects.
    • Experience in the design and delivery of training and other learning initiatives related to areas including gender transformative approaches, accountability to affected populations, protection and gender mainstreaming, disability inclusion, and conflict sensitivity.

    Knowledge & Skills:

    • Knowledge of UN system policies and functions of various agency mandates including those on gender and protection in particular.
    • Experience working with WFP or a WFP cooperating partner in the field is a strong asset.
    • Strong knowledge of food security and/or nutrition programme principles and practices in a variety of contexts.


    Excellent written and spoken English (level C) is a requirement; working knowledge of a second official UN language is an advantage.

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    Logistics Associate (Service Provision), SC6


    • WFP Leadership Framework guides to the common standards of behavior that guide HOW we work together to accomplish our mission.


    • WFP is dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our recruitment process is inclusively crafted to welcome candidates of all backgrounds, celebrating diversity and ensuring a respectful environment for all. We aim for an accessible and fair recruitment journey. Should you need any reasonable accommodations or have accessibility concerns, please reach out to us confidentially at Our DEI team is here to ensure your full participation in our recruitment process


    • The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.


    • We strongly recommend that your profile is accurate, complete, and includes your employment records, academic qualifications, language skills and UN Grade (if applicable).
    • Once your profile is completed, please apply, and submit your application.
    • Please make sure you upload your professional CV in the English language
    • Kindly note the only documents you will need to submit at this time are your CV and Cover Letter
    • Additional documents such as passport, recommendation letters, academic certificates, etc. may potentially be requested at a future time
    • Please contact us at in case you face any challenges with submitting your application
    • Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

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    Operational Information Management and Performance Reporting Officer , NOA


    The core function of the Operational Information Management (OIM) and Performance Reporting team is to ensure operational information received from Country Offices (COs) and other stakeholders is clear, concise, and fit for purpose, and ensure there is adequate reporting on CSP progress and results.  The team collaborates with COs, cross-functional teams and other stakeholders to provide a common operating picture of WFP programme operations in the Eastern Africa region, facilitating informed and timely decision-making. This is achieved through analysis of context, political and humanitarian situations, as well as collating and processing WFP operational information from COs.

    The team produces timely, accurate reports and briefs, and provides guidance and technical support to COs to ensure comprehensive reporting on Country Strategic Plan (CSP) results, advocating for WFP’s contributions to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). This includes support in coordinating the annual reporting process, establishing clear frameworks for submission, review, clearance and dissemination of annual reports.

    The Operational Information Management and Performance Reporting Officer will collaborate with the regional technical teams and Headquarters to deliver cross-functional training and holistic support to the COs in both operational and performance reporting. The Officer will also review and support the clearance of Annual Country Reports (ACRs) and Operational Reports in the region ensuring corporate requirements are met and high-quality products from the region are delivered before publication.

    Under the overall leadership of the Head of Strategic Coordination Unit and direct supervision of the Regional OIM and Performance Reporting Officer, the Officer will perform the following duties.


    Support the organisation, packaging, utilisation and dissemination of relevant information to internal and external audiences for decision making and informing on WFP operational progress. Support the collation, analysis and communication of the ‘Essential Elements of Information’, on the operational environment to facilitate access to timely and accurate information for operational reporting. Collaborate with counterparts internally to ensure consistency in humanitarian information and to complement WFP analysis and information to effectively advocate and communicate WFP’s work and impact to donors and partners. Review, edit, and publish OIM products shared by COs, in line with established review and approval workflows, ensuring alignment with corporate requirements, and standard OIM procedures. Support in coordinating the regional annual country reporting process including collaborating with the COs, monitoring & evaluation, supply chain, partnerships, communication and budget and programming functions to ensure coherence and quality of performance information. Guide COs and contribute to improvements in the ACR process to ensure the production of high-quality ACRs that demonstrate WFP’s organizational performance. Provide support to COs on the ACR guidance including support in writing annual country reports when needed as part of CO surge capacity support. Lead the ACR after-action review exercise to document lessons learned and provide recommendations to improve the annual reporting processes. Participate in the ACR working group at the regional office including support in chairing the working group and preparing briefing notes for management when required. Contribute to the development of regional summaries/briefs of annual achievements for advocacy. This includes developing innovative solutions/strategies to support COs and the region to disseminate annual reports to host governments, partners, and donors. Support the enhancement of the capacity of WFP staff through planning and delivery of trainings on information management and performance reporting. Support COs or RBs in emergencies by preparing, organizing and providing secretarial support to Operational Task Forces (OTF), as required. Support the initiatives for developing improved, streamlined, and harmonized OIM and performance-related normative guidance, as required. Any other duties as assigned and as required to ensure quality reporting in the Regional Bureau of Nairobi.



    • Advanced University degree in Political Science, Economics, Statistics, Information Management or Journalism, Business Management, Social Sciences or other relevant field, or First University degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses.


    • Over 5 years of experience in development/humanitarian operations.
    • Minimum 2 years’ experience in reporting on humanitarian/developmental operations at programme, country-level or regional level.

    Knowledge & Skills:

    • General knowledge of information management best practices, techniques and processes with some understanding of the basic theoretical background.
    • Strong written and oral communication skills, including analytical skills with the ability to interpret qualitative and quantitative information and draw out key messages.
    • Knowledge of UN system policies and functions; proficiency in MS Office.
    • Ability to deliver results through planning and organizing own activities effectively.
    • Ability to successfully manage multiple analysis and reporting requests in a deadline-driven environment.
    • Excellent cross-functional collaboration skills and the ability to influence stakeholders.


    • Fluency in written and spoken English

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