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7 Ways To Stay Motivated While Looking For A Job

Updated on Jan 14, 2020 4170 views

Being able to get — and stay — motivated during a job hunt is one of the most critical skills necessary for anyone looking for work.  


This is especially true today when it takes considerably more time and energy to find employment than it did a decade ago, and job seekers need to be in the right headspace in order to deal with the stress that comes with a futile job search.


And we get it. We understand that job search can be frustrating and draining, which is why we came  up with 7 ways for you to stay motivated while looking for a job so that you can uplift your spirit and boost your chances of getting hired:


1. Be Realistic About The Job-Search Time Frame

When it comes to applying for a job, you need to understand that you won’t get a job within or during the time frame you desire, because, both you and the recruiter are working with different time frames, and they will get back to you at their own convenience.


Brace yourself for the inevitable speed bumps of a job search. For example, don’t expect to land an interview within a week or two of starting your hunt, or be hired immediately after an interview, it will take some time.


2. Believe In Yourself

 Like a successful salesperson, you must believe that what you’re selling has value. When looking for a job, you’re essentially selling yourself and your experience.


Believe that you have the perfect resume or CV and that you have got the right skills and attitude to take on the job you are applying for. 


3. Take  A Project-Management Approach

Break down the search process into a series of goals, spread out over time. For example, give yourself one week to draft a resume & cover letter. Other suggested milestones:

  • Within one month: Network face to face with 15 to 20 people who could help you find work.
  • Within three months: Secure three job interviews…etc


4. Evaluate Your Progress

Take time out once a week to assess how your job search is going.


Ask yourself: "What have I done? What haven’t I done? What’s working? What isn’t?"


5. Keep Your Body, Mind, And Soul Healthy

How you take care of yourself while job hunting can have a huge impact on your productivity in finding work. Make sure you eat well, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.


6. Learn How To Handle Rejection

Getting turned down by prospective employers is tough and can often leave you feeling like you are not good enough to be hired by another employer. But you shouldn't feel that way.


The way to handle rejection is to look at it the way a successful salesperson does: It’s a numbers game where every “no” gets you one step closer to the “yes” you need.


Instead of focusing on why you were rejected, try focusing on how to become better for your next interview. You could also ask the employer for feedback as to why you weren't a good fit for the role.


7. Take A Break From Your Job Search

Five hours of job hunting a day is draining. So step back from time to time to avoid burning out. You could create a timetable to allocate particular hours of the day to your job search process only.


And try not to look for a job on weekends, that’s the time to enjoy yourself and to relax with the people you care most about.


We wish you all the best on your journey towards greatness.


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Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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