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7 Reasons Why You Should Work for a Non-Profit Organization

Updated on Jan 14, 2020 21052 views

The most frequent questions that hang on the lips of every fresh graduate or anyone planning to start a career path are “what career path should I follow?” and “what industry or organization should I work for”? These questions come as a result of burning concerns for success. Sure everyone wants to be successful, but the amount of success you are able to achieve is largely dependent on your choices and decisions. Making the right choices and decisions can help land you in the most fulfilling career path and industry of your dreams.

Even if working for a non-profit organization could be seen as a really challenging thing to engage in, it is, however, one of the most satisfying jobs for anyone that wants to affect society and grow.

If you are contemplating whether or not to work for a non-profit organization, then you are few sentences away from making the best career decision; see 7 reasons why you should work for a non-profit organization below:

You can find ngo jobs in Kenya here.

  1. Increased National Impact

Working for a non-profit organization helps you contribute or give back to the society which is an amazing opportunity. When working for other organizations, you may not be really involved in some societal projects and contributions that the organization may be providing the society, unlike the non-profit organization. Non-profit organizations give their employees or volunteers the opportunity to be practically involved in providing services that aim at addressing issues that affect the society or world at large.

Since the aim of most non-profit organization is to solve problems that face the society they find themselves in, working for a non-profit organization will put you in a position where you can actively contribute to the growth and development of your society. Working for a non-profit organization can also give you the opportunity to work for the cause that you are passionate about.

  1. Increased Employability Skills

One major determining factor when applying for a job is whether you have the right and needed skills. No employer wants to hire a candidate that does not have the right skills. Working for a non-profit organization will help you acquire the most relevant skills you need to thrive in the corporate world. Working for a Non-profit organizations will help you acquire skills like; leadership skills, team spirit, effective communication skills etc. Performing your role and engaging in activities organized by the organization can help you acquire these skills.

Working in an NGO can help you build and develop transferable skills like good organization skills, research communication, relationship, and leadership skills. These are skills that any organization will require to achieve its goal. Working in an NGO will help you develop these skills that will be useful to both your personal and career life.

  1. Helps You Create an Outstanding CV

Most non-profit organizations have name recognition, significant contribution and notable achievements over time. Working in a non-profit organization will give you the opportunity to be part of the organization’s contribution and achievements and as such will also help build your own achievements.

Working for a non-profit organization will help you leverage on the organization’s name and achievements which can help your CV stand out amongst other CVs.

In today’s corporate world, many employers believe in reputation and endorsement which may not be easy to come by most times, but working for a non-profit organization can help you create an outstanding CV by giving it that stamp of reputation and endorsement that you may need to land the job of your dreams.

  1. Great Opportunity to Network

Networking helps you widen your circle of influence and puts you in a more advantaged position. Over the years, networking has been one thing that has helped many people achieve and attain expected heights. Many employees today got their jobs by networking with industry experts and influential people. Working for a non-profit organization will help you build a strong network with influential people and companies during the cause of your work.

Non-profit organizations usually work with influential people and big organizations like government agencies, multinationals or big national companies. Working with a non-profit organization will give you the opportunity to network with these individuals and organizations. Working for a non-profit organization also fosters diversity, because it allows you meet and network with different people from different countries. 

  1. Great Career Advancement Opportunity

Working for a non-profit organization will give you the opportunity to network with great people and organizations. These influential people are people that can easily become your mentors, leads, future clients or colleagues. Networking with these great people can help you with the advice and mentorship you need to move your career to the next level.

Networking with great people can help increase your job prospects within larger companies or organizations that your non-profit work with. Most times meeting the right people can set your foot at the door.

  1. Broadened Perspective

Working for a non-profit organization can help broaden your perspective and the way you see things generally. Non-profit organizations can give you that humbling and affirming life experience. Working for a non-profit organization gives you the opportunity to work with big companies and individuals that can give you the sense of perspective.

Working for an NGO can help affect your decision making and life objectives. It can also help you change the way you see, perceive and value things. The goal and vision of the non-profit organization you are working for can help you develop inner skills and interest and appreciation for other things that may not have mattered much to you.

  1. Improved Leadership Skills

Working for a non-profit organization can help instill leadership qualities in you. Most non-profit organizations are founded with the aim of helping people or the society, being part of this will help improve your relationship with people. A non-profit organization can give you the opportunity you need to practice and develop your leadership skills.

Working for an NGO will enable you learn how to lead and motivate people because you would have gotten used to leading, managing and motivating people, doing this often will help you build yourself and become a better leader.

Working for a non-profit organization will give numerous opportunities to gain, and employ leadership skills.

How to Get a Job in a Non-Profit Organization

Often times when people decide to apply for jobs in non-profit organization they often have the wrong mindset about working for non-profit organizations. Working for a non-profit organization is quite different from working for a profit organization. If you are looking forward to working for a non-profit organization then you will need to have the right attitude. You will need to develop a selfless attitude towards anything you do.

Non-profit organizations hire differently because;

  • Many non-profit organizations don’t follow a recruitment schedule.
  • Most non-profit organizations don’t advertise their position during career fairs, they rather rely on their networks and job postings online

To get a job in a non-profit organization, you would need to;

  1. Know What You Want
  • Focus on your skills and not the sectors: To work in a non-profit organization, you would have to focus on the skill and value you wish to add to the organization. The essence of working in a non-profit organization is to make use of your skills to impact that society and world at large.
  • Know the organization you are going to work for: Before you apply for jobs in non-profit organizations, you should be able to have a good knowledge of the organization and what they do. It is important for you to check out their websites to know if your interest matches the company’s vision.
  • Be positive about the organization and what they do: If you look forward to working for a non-profit organization, then you should be positive and passionate about the organization's goal and interest.
  1. Sell Yourself Properly

Many non-profit organization may not recruit like for-profit organizations, but notwithstanding they still want what for-profit organizations want. Non-profit organizations will still look forward to recruiting talented and dedicated people with the right skills and mindset.

Since non-profit organizations will love to employ people with the right skills, then it is important for you to make sure your marketing tools (CV and cover letter) are in place.

To create a CV fit for a non-profit organization, you would have to follow these steps;

  • Take a look at the organization’s goal and what you can offer.
  • Tailor your resume and cover letter to the position for which you are applying.
  • Showcase accomplishments, not just duties.
  • Emphasize transferable skills if you’re switching sectors.
  • Be clear about why you want to work with that particular organization.
  • Make sure your achievements match the goals and aims of the non-profit organization.

Take a look at our CV Templates for all Job Fields in Kenya 2018

Cover Letter

Creating a good cover letter is another way to sell yourself to your prospective buyer. If you can sell yourself effectively, then you are just a step away from getting a job in the non-profit organization of your dreams.

To tailor your cover letter appropriately follow these tips

  • Kept it short
  • Research
  • Be clear about the job you are applying for
  • Address it to the right person
  1. Search and Apply for NGO Jobs

The only way you can benefit and take advantage of the awesome opportunities that working for a non-profit organization will afford you is to search and apply for jobs in non-profit organizations. If you have taken time to brand your CV and cover letter, the next thing to do is to search and apply for suitable jobs.

One easy way to see Non-profit organization job openings is to look out for online job boards. Online job boards like allows you access latest verified NGO jobs. Searching and applying for non-profit jobs is that great step you need to take to make that life-changing career decision.

Top Non-Profit Organization to work for in Kenya

  • UN Children's Fund
  • Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
  • International Rescue Committee
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Mercy Corps
  • Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • World Vision
  • Oxfam Nigeria
  • World Food Program Kenya

Working for a non-profit organization is that great step you need to take to make the society a better place, rather than sitting and crying about the condition of the society. The only way you can achieve that ideal society, is to make one. Working for a non-profit organization can help you make one, by working positively towards achieving societal development.

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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