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Kenya Water Towers Agency (KWTA) Logo Design Competition

Updated on Jan 07, 2020 5751 views
Kenya Water Towers Agency (KWTA) Logo Design Competition

As part of seamless mandate implementation and corporate branding, the Agency is in the process of redesigning its logo. To achieve this, the Agency requires the contribution of creative Kenyan artists and designers to assist in coming up with a logo that captures the mandate of the Agency. The logo design competition is open to all Individuals/Firms/Companies within Kenya.


The following are the guidelines and rules of engagement for the competition:

  1. The design be submitted in:
    1. Black and white in six (6) hard copies on A4 size paper.
    2. High resolution colour in six (6) hard copies on A4 size paper.
  2. In printable soft copy in PDF or JPEG in a MS Windows readable CD;
  3. The logo must be clear and distinctly identifiable for effective application on all Agency materials, instruments, website and social media platforms.
  4. It is not necessary to include the name of the Agency or its initials or to borrow anything from the current logo or colours. We desire the composition be more conceptual rather than literal;
  5. It is recommended that the logo should represent the core mandate of the Agency;
  6. Entrants are free to identify and apply possible colours for the Agency;
  7. The submitted logo should be accompanied by a brief written description of all applied features, connotations and such significant inspirations;
  8. Entrant’s should provide their full names, postal addresses, physical address, email and daytime telephone numbers;
  9. The Agency reserves the exclusive right to modify the winning logo;
  10. The Agency reserves the exclusive right to register the winning logo;
  11. Any material, graphic software or other items accompanying the submitted design shall belong to, and remain the property of the Agency;
  12. The participants agree to indemnify the Agency from any losses and threatened losses arising from, in connection with or based on allegations of any third party claim of infringement or misappropriation of any intellectual property rights;
  13. Our judges’ decision is final and not open to any correspondence or appeal, whatsoever.


The three shortlisted winners will be announced on the Agency’s website on 29th March, 2019.

The selected winning logo will be awarded in order of merit as follows:

  1. First position – Kshs. 150,000.00
  2. Second position – Kshs. 100,000.00
  3. Third position – Kshs. 50,000.00


The designs should be hand-delivered or posted in presentable plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked “Kenya Water Towers Agency Logo Design Competition” on or before 8th March, 2019 by 4.00 pm to the address below:

Acting Director General
Kenya Water Towers Agency
NHIF Building
15TH Floor, Ragati Road
P.O. Box 42903-00100,

Tel: 020-2711437,


Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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