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  • Posted: Feb 23, 2023
    Deadline: Mar 6, 2023
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    The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, not-for-profit international development agency, which was founded in 1967 by Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV. AKF seeks to provide long-term solutions to problems of poverty, hunger, illiteracy and ill health in the poorest parts of South and Central Asia, Eastern and Western Africa, and the Middle East...
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    Request for Proposal -Technical Support Provider – Inclusive Education

    Key Deliverables

    1. Conduct a needs assessment (per agency) and compile relevant reports:A detailed needs assessment exercise to be conducted for all eight partner agencies and develop a per agency as well as a consolidated needs assessment report, submitted, and verified by MECP-K and the entity agencies.
    2. Conduct training and tailored mentorship for partner agencies, with a focus on the key findings of the needs assessment above. This will include the submission of draft reference documents developed through the consultancy thus far, including (draft training manual, training, and mentorship report detailing the progress each agency is making on the Technical Advisory) submitted and verified by MECP-K.
    3. Develop teacher and community training content on inclusive education and practices.
    4. Support agencies to develop advocacy strategies and or approaches to increase appreciation and support for inclusive education for ECD stakeholders.
    5. Compile and submit regular progress reports after three months period and an end of consultancy report: These will include a final training report with recommendations, submitted and verified by MECP-K.

    Required Competencies/Experience/Skills.

    The TS provider is expected to demonstrate professional expertise and experience in Capacity building teams in various areas of inclusive education. Specifically, the provider is expected to have the following:

    1. The lead consultant will have at least a master’s degree in inclusive education, early childhood development, curriculum development or any other relevant qualifications.
    2. Excellent knowledge including current information in Early Childhood Education and Care and alignment with inclusive education.
    3. Minimum 5 years of professional experience as a technical advisor on inclusive education.
    4. Demonstrated knowledge of the Kenyan education system, current basic education policies and other policies regulating inclusive education
    5. Demonstrated experience of working with civil society organizations and development partners, around inclusive education.
    6. Demonstrated experience of successful working with and around marginalized communities around inclusive education will be an added advantage.
    7. Excellent communication, facilitation, and strong report-writing skills.
    8. Ability to meet tight deadlines through excellent time management and organizing skills.
    9. Ability to develop a detailed plan of work and to manage the multiple tasks needed to carry out that plan.
    10. Flexibility and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

    Method of Application

    Interested service providers are invited to submit a technical and budget proposal of not more than 6 pages that will include:

    1. A description of previous work successfully undertaken including relevant technical support topics, and the activities carried out.
    2. Proposed approach and components related to needs assessment, development of guidance, and phases of training and tailored mentorship, and reporting.
    3. Breakdown of consultancy fees clearly stating number of days and hours of work expected.
    4. Key personnel (staff and/or consultants) and a summary of their experience.

    Please note, if your proposal is shortlisted, we will then ask for more information before making a final decision. The further information will include:

    1. Timeline of project milestones and outputs for deliverables
    2. CVs of all proposed team members
    3. A copy of 2 previous reports of similar work undertaken (e.g. needs assessment, training and mentoring, guide document)
    4. Names of two professional references who can be contacted from organizations that have contracted similar work.
    5. A copy of legal registration (for registered firms)
    6. A consulting firm profile
    7. Answer to questions that may rise from the initial proposal.

    Submissions must be received by MECP-K no later than Monday, 06 March, 2023 at 5pm EAT through the email address: along with ‘TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR RISE and SHINE PARTNERS APPLICATION’ in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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