The Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) was established in 1964 as a Department under the then Ministry of Education. This establishment was subsequent to Kenya’s Membership to UNESCO in April 7, 1964 as the 73rdMember and in line with UNESCO Constitution of 1945.
Over the years,... read more KNATCOM has continued to promote and coordinate UNESCO’s activities in Kenya and supported UNESCO’s agenda at the international levels. At the same time, KNATCOM is also the point of contact for the Association for Development of Education for Africa (ADEA) and the Commonwealth.
KNATCOM was transformed into a State Corporation on 25th January, 2013 following the enactment of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Act 2013. This transformation was consistent with Article VII of the UNESCO Constitution of 1945 and the provisions of the 1978 Charter of National Commissions for UNESCO.
As a Commission, KNATCOM has a dual mandate of promoting Kenya’s national interests in UNESCO and UNESCO’s international interests in Kenya, Regionally and Globally. In summary, the Commission: mobilizes financial, technical and informational resources from UNESCO;promotes collaborations between national and international institutions; promotes knowledge and information sharing; facilitates national and international policy formulation in the fields of education, sciences, culture and communication & information among many other functions.
Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Jobs in Kenya
Provide visionary leadership and strategic direction for the Commission;
Secretary to the Board and ensure Board papers are accurately written, are relevant and are availed t
Functions of Office Assistants
Office Assistants are responsible for the following functions:
Cleanliness of offices, equipment/apparatus when need be;
Office waste management;
Interested candidates are invited to apply for the position of Office Assistant. on short term contract basis.
Functions of Office Assistants
Office Assistants are responsible for the foll
The accounting division exists to perform the following functions: accounting policies development; managing accounts payable (money out); managing accounts r
Job Reference Number: KNCU/18/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Deputy Secretary General Research and Resource Mobilisation is responsible for coordination and implementation of partnerships, res
Job Reference Number: KNCU/19/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Corporation Secretary and Director Legal Services shall assist the secretary to the Board in the provision of Board’s Secretariat
Job Reference Number: KNCU/20/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Director, Culture Programme is responsible for coordination of the protection, safeguarding, preservation and conservation of
Job Reference Number: KNCU/21/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Director Communication and &Information Programme is responsible for coordination and promotion of freedom of expression,
Job Reference Number: KNCU/22/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Director, Natural Science is responsible for coordinating the promotion of science for peace and sustainable development in l
Job Reference Number: KNCU/24/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Manager, Internal Audit & Risk Assurance is responsible for providing independent, objective assurance and consulting act
Job Reference Number: KNCU/25/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Principal Corporate Communication is responsible for leading the development and implementation of Corporate Communication st
Job Reference Number: KNCU/26/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Principal Office Administrator is responsible for ensuring appropriate reception of visitors and facilitating communication i
Job Reference Number: KNCU/27/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Principal Supply Chain Management officer assists the Commission to achieve its strategic goals through implementation of eff
Job Reference Number:KNCU/30/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Principal Accountant is responsible for the prudent management of the Commission’s financial resources and providing accurate
Job Reference Number: KNCU/31/2022
Purpose of the Job
The Senior accountant is responsible for the prudent management of the Commission’s financial resources and providing accur