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  • Posted: Jan 27, 2025
    Deadline: Jan 31, 2025
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    Avenue Hospital was founded in 1995 for the purpose of managing the outpatient department at the Hospital, and to extend medical services to corporate clientele through an innovative concept of Managed Healthcare.

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    Pharmaceutical Technologist

    Job Objective/Purpose

    To ensure that high quality standards are maintained at all times in the provision of medication and medical consumables per Avenue Group’s defined policies and procedures.

    Key Responsibilities

    • Ensure that the Pharmacy has the necessary equipment and ensure that they are in good working condition. 
    • Ensure that all insurances exclusion lists are adhered to.
    • Inform the doctor on equivalent of the out of stock/OTC medications and follow up to collect medications.
    • Ensure that the Pharmacy is well stocked as per the set re-order levels. Do daily counts, spot counts, monthly stock takes and give a timely, accurate report with valid explanation on variances and expiries to the Pharmacy Superintendent/Business Manager.
    • Prevention of medication errors by counter checking and verifying the prescription/ treatment sheets on doses, allergies, patient identification, right drug, legibility and give clear usage instructions.
    • D.D.A to be dispensed as per the laid down policy, checked weekly and any discrepancies reported to the Pharmacy Superintendent.
    • Ensure that the fridge temperatures are charted twice daily and any error reported to relevant department.
    • Ensure that any issue pertaining quality is escalated to the Pharmacy Superintendent/Business Manager
    • Track the allocated pharmacy quality indicators as required and timely report to the Superintendent.
    • Drugs/surgical items expiry management;
      • Check expiries of the allocated shelf and emergency trolley monthly (ensure short expiry items are replaced) and inform the Pharmacy Superintendent.
      • Enhance FIFO/FEFO by the use of green stickers on short expiry drugs and expiry report sub module then share the short expiry list with the doctors/other branches to assist in liquidation.
      • Document all expired drugs, quarantine and report to Pharmacy Superintendent for disposal as per the PPB regulations. 
    • Adhere to Avenue corporate governance policies and procedures;
      • Prevent, detect and report any fraud or criminal activity.
      • Fully implement audit recommendations and attain satisfactory ratings in subsequent audits.
    • Record and report all incidents/events to the Business Manager within 24 hours using the provided tools.
    • Maintain and enforce infection control standards when doing extemporaneous preparations.
    • Client satisfaction;
      • Ensure client satisfaction through high quality of service, effective communication, prompt feedback and escalation of any unresolved issues to the relevant person for follow up.     
      • Ensure that the standardized tool for patient satisfaction feedback is filed for measurement, follow-up and improvement.
    • Maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all times.
    • Any other duty as assigned by your immediate supervisor in line with the job description.

    Person Specification

    • A diploma in Pharmacy.
    • A valid pharmaceutical technologist license 
    • 3 years’ experience.
    • Organizational awareness and detail-oriented
    • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork and reliability  

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    Job Objective/ Purpose:

    Manage the reception professionally at all times and ensure that all visitors, patients and clients are accorded timely, professional and compassionate service.

    Key Responsibilities:

    • Welcoming and assisting patients with Registration, completing necessary forms and documentation, as well as ensuring that all information acquired is accurate and current.
    • Processing admissions and clearing the patient on discharge.
    • Communicating with insurance companies for pre authorization, and to verify coverage for services provided by the hospital.
    • Ensuring that all the procedures / systems laid down for vetting and ensuring that all clients seeking treatment are followed for the various categories of clients i.e. Staff, GOP’s , AHC prepaid and credit/ insurance clients.
    • Ensure that all incoming telephone calls are directed or transferred to the respective departments/ offices.
    • Ensure client satisfaction through quality of service, communication, feedback, escalation and caring attitude, and demonstrate follow-up.
    • Ensure that Avenue Healthcare corporate governance policies are adhered to, including preventing, detecting, and reporting any fraud or criminal activities, and Implementing audit recommendations.
    • Ensure adequate knowledge of, and compliance to all Avenue Healthcare policies, procedures, and systems, especially policies pertaining to the provision of medical services and finance.
    • Maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all times.
    • Any other duty as assigned by the supervisor.

    Person Specification

    • Diploma in Front Office/Business Administration/ Health Records, or its equivalent.
    • 2+ years’ experience in a similar role, preferably in a Hospital set-up
    • Customer focus and results oriented
    • Strong interpersonal skills, team playing abilities, and communication skills.
    • Highly responsive, ethical and responsible

    Method of Application

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