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Migori County is a county in the former Nyanza Province of southwestern Kenya. It is perhaps the most diverse in Nyanza after Kisumu. Migori town connects Kenya and Tanzania, and it is reckoned the second most viable commercial center in Luo-Nyanza after Kisumu. The main economic activities in Migori include agriculture, fishing, manufacturing and mining. There is also some small scale gold mining carried out in the country. The county also sees some limited commercial activity, mainly small and micro-enterprises in the Jua Kali sector. These include auto mechanics, furniture works, tailoring, welding, trade and agriculture. There is a National cereals board depot in Migori Town as well. offers you the latest verified jobs in Kenya. We post a variety of jobs in Migori. Our jobs are updated often to deliver the latest job vacancies in Migori, Kenya. Browse through our website to see vacancies and career information in any location today.