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  • Posted: Nov 1, 2021
    Deadline: Not specified
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    A leading independent school in Kenya offering an outstanding educational experience to children aged between 2 and 13 years. B - To provide a Broad and Balanced educational experience that will ensure the development of the whole child. A - To encourage an Ambition to excel - in all areas of school life. N - To create a Nurturing environment so tha...
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    Head Of Lower School

    Job Description

    The Head of the Lower School is expected to provide dynamic leadership of the department, maintaining the highest possible standards and inspiring a team of committed staff. The post holder constantly strives to ensure that pupils receive the very best all-round education in order that they can achieve their full potential.


    Responsibilities associated with the post

    1. Lead, develop and inspire an excellent, committed, forward-looking teaching and support staff
    2. Enthuse and inspire pupils with the joy of learning and the thrill of exploration
    3. Work collaboratively with the Head of the Early Years and the Head to provide a quality all-round education for pupils in the local community

    Teaching and Learning

    Teaching and learning are at the heart of the School and the Head of Lower School must embrace and underpin this philosophy. The Head of Lower School is expected to have a teaching commitment and should be a highly effective practitioner. In addition, the Head of Lower School should help to generate and promote a culture of positive reflection and innovation, drawing on good practice and inspiring teachers to develop their own skills. He / she should be conversant with modern methodologies and latest best practice and should be able to make informed judgments on what works best for teachers and children.


    Consult with the Head on:

    1. The formulation of aims and objectives of the Lower School
    2. Whole School Policies and Handbooks
    3. Recruitment at all levels
    4. Matters concerning Health and Safety
    5. Preparation for Inspection
    6. Other appropriate matters as directed

    Structure of Management

    The Head of Lower School plays an important role in the whole-school management of The Banda. The post holder will meet weekly with the Head as part of the Senior Leadership Team and is expected to take part in whole-school working groups as appropriate.

    Appointment and Management of Staff

    1. In consultation with the Head, take full responsibility for the selection and appointment of teaching staff in the Lower School
    2. Deploy and manage all teaching staff and allocate particular duties to them in a manner consistent with their conditions of employment and job descriptions
    3. Evaluate the standards of teaching and learning, ensuring that proper and appropriate standards of professional performance are established and maintained
    4. Supervise and administer the School’s system of performance management – observations and appraisals.
    5. Ensure that all staff have access to advice and training appropriate to their need, in order to support and promote professional development


    1. Determine and implement effective policies for the recruitment of pupils
    2. Ensure that the progress of pupils in the Lower School is monitored and recorded appropriately
    3. Ensure that there is an effective policy for pastoral care and that this is implemented
    4. Determine measures to be taken to promote good discipline amongst the pupils in order to ensure high standards of behavior: Where this is less than expected, ensure that measures are taken to rectify this
    5. Ensure the maintenance of good order and discipline at all times where pupils are present on the school premises and during ‘off site’ activities


    1. In consultation with the Director of Teaching and Learning:
    2. Determine, organize and implement an appropriate curriculum, having regard for the needs, experience, interests, aptitude and stage of development of the pupils and the resources available to the Lower School
    3. Ensure that all pupils have access to a broad range of enrichment opportunities, including sporting and extra-curricular activities, to supplement the taught curriculum

    Public Relations and Relations with Parents

    1. Make arrangements for parents to be given regular information about the school curriculum, the progress of their children and other matters pertaining to the School
    2. Organize and attend meetings, events and functions as are necessary to promote positive and effective relationships between staff, pupils and parents
    3. Promote the interaction of the School with the wider community.
    4. Address concerns and enquiries on a regular basis

    Resources, Premises and Administration

    In consultation with the Administration and the Head:

    1. Allocate, control and account for those financial and material resources of the School which are under the control of the Head of Lower School
    2. Assist the Administration in making arrangements for the security and effective supervision of the Lower School grounds and buildings and their contents
    3. Ensure that maintenance needs are reported promptly
    4. Create and maintain an effective administration system for handling duties and the efficient administration of the Lower School
    5. It should of course be noted that the above job description is not exhaustive, and that other duties and responsibilities may be expected, consistent with the efficient and effective role of Head of the Lower School.

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    Director Of Teaching And Learning (Deputy Head Academic).

    Job Description

    The Director of Teaching and Learning will work closely with the Headmistress and other members of the Senior Leadership Team to implement and oversee the academic life of the school. He/she will oversee and implement the academic objectives and monitor their effectiveness.

    Areas of Responsibility

    1. Member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
    2. Attend meetings and undertake duties as reasonably requested by the Head
    3. Assist in the day to day running of the school
    4. Monitor the implementation of whole school targets
    5. Work with the Head to lead, motivate and support staff
    6. Be a proactive member of the SLT, attending and supporting meetings when necessary

    Teaching and Learning

    1. Teach a minimum of 30% timetable
    2. Oversee curriculum planning and implementation – liaise with Heads of Departments and the Head
    3. Drive and oversee the use of ICT and specifically iPads as a learning tool
    4. Organise standardised testing and record data in clear form
    5. Collate and proof all internal examinations
    6. Oversee the examination and invigilation timetable
    7. Set up the examination room in preparation for mock examinations and Common Entrance and ensure adequate spare materials are available
    8. Organise and communicate the Prep timetable
    9. Oversee whole school assessment and tracking in conjunction with the Heads of Department.
    10. Organise reporting deadlines, report checking and publishing of reports on iSAMS
    11. Liaise with external examination bodies and the ISEB re scholarship and Common Entrance papers – ordering papers and entering pupils
    12. Liaise with the Head of Learning Support to ensure that the correct provision is given to children with learning difficulties and that examination concessions are provided
    13. Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and pupil achievement, with the SLT

    Management of Staff

    1. Support the Head in the coaching, mentoring and observation of staff
    2. Support the Head in the process of staff recruitment
    3. Work with the Deputy Head to provide a full induction programme for new staff
    4. Construct whole school and staff teaching timetables
    5. Manage work scrutiny and pupil shadowing
    6. Chair regular Heads of Department (HoDs) meetings
    7. Keep abreast of curriculum changes and delegate staff to research areas

    Public Relations and Relations with Parents 

    1. Be an ambassador of The Banda at all times and lead by example
    2. Advise and guide parents through regular workshops
    3. With the Deputy Head and Head, communicate with secondary schools to which we regularly send pupils and administer entrance examinations
    4. Assist with the Future Schooling Forum with the Head and Deputy Head
    5. Ensure adequate scholarship and interview practice and preparation for secondary school entry
    6. Organise parents’ meetings

    Resources, Premises and Administration

    1. Regularly review school policy documentation in preparation for inspection
    2. Collate academic information for secondary school transfer and iCAS forms
    3. Analyse data from examination and testing results
    4. Oversee the departmental development plans and reviews
    5. Help ensure departmental handbooks are reviewed and kept up to date
    6. The duties outlined in this job description may be modified by the Head, with your agreement, to reflect changing needs of the School.

    Method of Application

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