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  • Posted: Aug 20, 2024
    Deadline: Sep 1, 2024
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    SOS Children's Villages is an independent, non-governmental international development organization which has been working to meet the needs and protect the interests and rights of children since 1949.
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    Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant (1) – Nairobi

    Position summary:

    The primary role of the position is to support SOS Children’s Villages in Kenya location teams to fully adhere to organization’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework and approaches. He/she will be responsible for ensuring seamless and efficient liaison with all programme staff and the implementing partners in the Location.

    The Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant will work with the Monitoring & Evaluation Co-ordinator at the National Office to report against set targets as well as track performance at the various levels (output, outcome & impact), support the location adapt a Results Based Management [RBM] management approach to project planning, implementation reporting and use of results accruing from the project. He/She will support the management and analysis of program data in location and will ensure regular consultative improvement of all M&E tools, processes and policies in line with the changing needs and internationally acceptable trends

    Key performance areas and main responsibilities

    To support in tracking program quality in line with SOS Children’s Villages policies, procedures and guidelines.

    Plan for results.

    • Participate in location planning process by linking plans to location results frameworks and concept note.
    • Provide support to location teams with input to develop Monitoring and Evaluation elements of the concept notes and results frameworks
    • Contextualize and document location Results Based Management System.

    Monitor for results

    • On a regular basis, monitor program implementation progress against the location action plan (Activity Schedule).
    • Provide leadership and support for outcome report development in compliance with organizational and institutional partners' reporting requirements.
    • On a monthly basis, review data from the program database, analyze and make performance presentations based on the Federation's key standard performance indicators.
    • Support Program Database (PDB2) users troubleshoot PDB2 challenges as reported as well as provide capacity building of the users on the system.
    • Conduct quarterly data quality audits and reporting as well as build the capacity of location teams on data management and quality.
    • Operationalise the location Monitoring plan as envisioned in the results framework through regular updating and review.
    • Oversee monitoring and evaluation data collection using appropriate federation and MA tools and systems.
    • Support the Program Director in developing the SOS Children’s Villages Care Promise selfassessment report.

    Evaluate for results

    • Identify opportunities for operations research during monitoring and evaluation of various projects at the location.
    • In liaison with the M&E Coordinator and the M&E Officer National Office conducts needs assessments for the location
    • Coordinate baseline, midterm, and end-term evaluations for all IPD projects in the location in line with the national evaluation framework.

    Use of results

    • Establish and maintain the location’s Lesson learned log
    • Conduct quarterly program reviews to assess progress against key RBM documents such as activity schedules, results framework, M&E plan, and progress reports.
    • Keep abreast of the latest developments in M&E and network with other organizations for best practice sharing
    • Facilitate utilization of data for decision-making through regular synthesis and analysis of thematic reports based on monitoring data
    • Provide support to SOS CV Kenya’s advocacy agenda in all programs, initiatives, and activities
    • Performs other tasks as assigned by the immediate supervisor

    Required Qualifications, Skills & Experience.

    • A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Project Planning & Management / Development Studies or related disciplines.
    • Prior experience with performance monitoring and evaluation for development programs, including developing performance indicators, data collection, and analysis.
    • At least 3 years of progressive experience in the development and implementation of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation policies & processes in a multi-sector program environment.
    • Previous experience in child-focused organizations is an added advantage.
    • Skills and experience with numerical methods, database management, and MS Excel.
    • Strong analytical skills and excellent oral and written communication skills.
    • Excellent interpersonal skills and a team player
    • Strong report writing skills.

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    Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant (1) – Eldoret

    Job Summary:

    Reporting to the Location Program Director, the Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant will support SOS Children’s Villages in Kenya location teams to fully adhere to the organization‘s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework and approaches. He/she will be responsible for ensuring seamless and efficient liaison with all program staff and the implementing partners in the Location.

    The Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant will work with the Monitoring & Evaluation Co-ordinator at the National Office to report against set targets as well as track performance at the various levels (output, outcome & impact), support the location adapt a Results Based Management [RBM] management approach to project planning, implementation reporting and use of results accruing from the project. He/she will support the management and analysis of program data in location and will ensure regular consultative improvement of all M&E tools, processes, and policies in line with the changing needs and internationally acceptable trends

    Key performance areas and main responsibilities:
    Plan for Results

    • Support locations teams in the location planning process to link annual plans for standard and grants projects (including the Leave No Youth Behind) to results frameworks and concept notes
    • Provide support to program location teams in developing M&E components of both standard and grant proposals and concept notes.
    • Contextualize and document the location M&E system in line with the organizational RBM approach to project monitoring and evaluation.

    Monitor for Results

    • Responsible for ensuring Location reports for both standard and grant projects (including the LNYB) precisely respond to the reporting indicators and requirements as well as ensuring all grantees report accurately on all the key result areas as documented in their grantee agreements
    • In Liaison with the national office M&E Coordinator, improve the M&E system by seeking stakeholder inputs through consultations with practitioners in other organizations.
    • On a regular basis, monitor program implementation progress against locational plans, locations
    • Result framework, and project baseline survey for both the LNYB project and the Location Standard project
    • On a monthly basis, review data from the program database, and analyze and make performance presentations based on the Federation's key standard performance indicators.
    • Support Program Database (PDB2) users troubleshoot PDB2 challenges as reported as well as provide capacity building of the users on the system.
    • Conduct quarterly data quality audits and reporting as well as build the capacity of location teams on data management and quality.
    • Operationalise the location monitoring plans as envisioned in the results framework through regular updating and review.
    • Oversee monitoring and evaluation data collection using appropriate federation and MA tools and systems.
    • Support the Program Director in developing the SOS Children’s Villages Care Promise selfassessment report.

    Evaluate for Results

    • Identify opportunities for operations research during monitoring and evaluation of various projects at the location.
    • In liaison with the M&E Coordinator and the M&E Officer National Office conduct needs assessments for the location
    • Coordinate baseline, midterm, and end-term evaluations for all IPD projects in the location in line with the national evaluation framework.

    Use of results

    • Facilitate utilization of data for decision-making through regular Synthesis and analysis of data and thematic reports on M&E findings to different stakeholders.
    • Keep abreast of the latest developments in M&E and network with other organizations for best practices and technical assistance.
    • Conduct in collaboration with location and project team members, at least two project reviews for both the standard project and the Leave No Youth Behind project
    • Establish and maintain the location’s Lesson learned log
    • Conduct quarterly program reviews to assess progress against key RBM documents such as activity schedules, results framework, M&E plan, and progress reports.
    • Provide support to SOS CV Kenya’s advocacy agenda in all programs, initiatives, and activities

    Required Qualifications, Skills & Experience.

    • A Bachelor’s Degree in Project Planning & Management / Development Studies or related disciplines.
    • Prior experience with performance Monitoring and Evaluation for development programs, including developing performance indicators, data collection, and analysis.
    • At least 3 years of progressive experience in the development and implementation of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation policies & processes in a multi-sector program environment.
    • Previous experience in child-focused organizations is an added advantage.
    • Skills and experience with numerical methods, database management, and MS Excel.
    • Strong analytical skills and excellent oral and written communication skills.
    • Excellent interpersonal skills and a team player
    • Strong report-writing skills

    Method of Application

    If you believe your experience, competencies, and qualifications match the job and role specifications described; send a Cover Letter & updated CV in PDF with details of 3 traceable referees one of which must be an immediate former employer to addressed to the Human Resources and Administration Manager to reach us on or before 1 st September 2024

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