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  • Posted: Dec 2, 2024
    Deadline: Dec 31, 2024
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    AU-IBAR is a specialized technical office of the African Union Commission (AUC), headed by the Director who reports directly to the AUC through the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA). Founded in 1951 to study the epidemiological situation and fight rinderpest in Africa, AU-IBAR's mandate covers all aspects of animal resources, includin...
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    Gender Policy and Strategy Expert – Aquatic Environmental Management

    Under the direct supervision of the Project Team Leader at AU-IBAR, the incumbent will undertake the following targeted areas of work so as to achieve the objectives of the Project ‘Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in African Blue Economy’:

    • Contribute to identification of gender issues relevant to conservation highlighting the socio-political, economic and cultural aspects of conservation.
    • Participate in analysis of, from a gender perspective, existing national, regional and local policies, strategies and action plans and elaborate on the added value of gender mainstreaming into national and regional conservation policies.
    • Facilitate the development of an implementation plan for the continental strategy for mainstreaming gender in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.
    • Support AU member states to domesticate the continental strategy for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management.
    • Contribute to identification and mainstreaming of gender related issues across project’s activities relevant to aquatic biodiversity and environmental management.
    • Facilitate formulation of a continental strategy on nature-based solutions for aquatic biodiversity conservation and ecosystems.
    • Enhance continental awareness and promote the implementation of nature-based solutions to minimize negative impacts of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity.
    • Facilitate identification of and strengthening of regional value chains for aquatic biodiversity, including fisheries and aquaculture.
    • Enhance mechanisms to promote the Private sector and Women’s representation in climate change and (aquatic biodiversity conservation) decision-making institutions at national, regional and continental levels.
    • Facilitate the mapping of key stakeholders (private sector, NGOs etc.) involved in environmental and biodiversity conservation, including women´s networks or groups, and analyze institutional structure and capacities for gender mainstreaming in their activities.
    • Contribute to the identification and capturing of best practices and lessons learnt on social and gender equality.
    • Any other duty as may be assigned by the Project Team Leader.


    • At least two AU member states supported to develop gender sensitive strategies on aquatic biodiversity conservations and environmental management.
    • Development of an Implementation Plan for the continental strategy for mainstreaming gender in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.
    • Development of a continental strategy on Nature-based Solutions for aquatic biodiversity conservations and ecosystems management.
    • Continental awareness enhanced on nature-based solutions on aquatic biodiversity conservation.
    • Regional (blue) value chains on aquatic biodiversity identified and capacity of value chains actors strengthened.
    • Development of continental strategy on control and mitigating plastic and micro plastic pollution on aquatic biodiversity and environment supported.
    • Gender related issues across project’s activities relevant to aquatic biodiversity and environmental management are identified and mainstreamed.
    • Mapping of key stakeholders (private sector, NGOs etc.) involved in environmental and biodiversity conservation, including women´s networks or groups, and analysis of institutional structures and capacities for gender mainstreaming in their activities facilitated.
    • Any other assigned by the Supervisor or Director of AU-IBAR.

    Academic & Professional Qualifications

    The incumbent should have a Minimum of a Master’s degree in the field of Gender Studies and/or Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Social science, Policy Development studies with focus on Gender considerations.

    General Experience

    • A minimum of 5 years of combined relevant work experience in development-oriented institutions, NGOs, UN, AU member states or related international development aid projects in Africa.
    • A Minimum of 3 years of experience in at least one of the sectors (e.g., gender and climate change mitigation programmes; conservation of aquatic ecosystems, integrating gender considerations and women’s empowerment in environmental programming);
    • Proven experience of working with and mobilizing communities in riparian and coastal settlements.
    • Experience working with and/or familiarization of regional economic communities and specialized regional institutions and their roles in enhancing gender integration in regional development agendas, including environmental considerations.
    • Experience in planning, implementing training and facilitating stakeholders’ consultative workshops.

    Specific Experience

    • Evidence of Familiarization of and supporting implementation of AU continental and global instruments, initiatives addressing environmental sustainability, gender mainstreaming and sustainable development.
    • Evidence of strengthening capacity of communities in Africa on Nature-based Solutions for restoration of degraded habitats and ecosystems to promote aquatic biodiversity conservation.
    • Record of performing similar consultancy and work experience in mainstreaming gender in community actions and instruments on in at least two African coastal environmental settings.
    • Evidence of supporting AU Member States to develop gender-sensitive strategies relating to aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.
    • Proven evidence of producing knowledge products on mainstreaming gender and climate change impact mitigation effects.

    Required Skills

    • Diplomacy and good interactive skills necessary for dealing with senior officials in Government, Regional Organizations, and donor/development organizations in Africa;
    • Good networking skills and ability to maintain positive and constructive dialogue and relationships with key institutions operating in the regions;
    • Very strong writing, analytical and communication, computer skills are necessary;
    • Proficiency in at least 2 AU official languages.

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    Regional Coordinator-PPR Eradication (IGAD)

    Main Functions

    The main tasks to be undertaken by the Regional Coordinator-PPR Eradication (IGAD) shall be as follows:

    • Coordinate and Supervise the technical implementation of PPR eradication program at regional level;
    • Coordinate the development of project activity plans, oversee preparation of project budgets and expenses in accordance with approved budgets, and prepare interim and final activity reports;
    • Support IGAD member states in the implementation of continental PPR eradication strategy in Africa at regional level;
    • Strengthen capacities of IGAD member states to develop surveillance systems at regional and national level;
    • Strengthen capacities of IGAD member states to develop reference diagnostic laboratories at regional and national level;
    • Establish and strengthen a system of governance at regional and national level for the implementation of continental PPR eradication strategy in Africa, closely linked to global coordination initiatives ;
    • Support PPR vaccine production units at regional level;
    • Prepare, coordinate and organize the vaccination strategy in response to PPR at regional level,
    • Support IGAD member states eligible for official PPR freedom and their application to WOAH;
    • Strengthen collaboration with project partners, and ensure relevant documentation is in place;
    • Liaise with national Chief veterinary Officers and other relevant partners and stakeholders for the implementation of PPR activities as well as develop policies, strategies, knowledge products and advocacy material to prepare country livestock master plan;
    • Develop concept notes, project proposals, projects monitoring and evaluation frameworks that are quality assured following IGAD Project Cycle/logical framework to attract extra-budgetary commitments as well as identify, appraise and formulate these extra-budgetary commitments;
    • Undertake any other official responsibilities as delegated.

    Key Responsibilities

    She/he will have the following specific duties and responsibilities.

    Specific Responsibilities

    • Carry out an assessment of the status of implementation of recommendations of performance of veterinary services missions, gap analysis missions, veterinary legislation missions and support national veterinary services, develop and implement strategic plans;
    • Support member states to develop and utilize TADs and zoonoses preparedness and response capacities;
    • Generate based-evidences to inform capacity development and PPR risk management (epidemiological systems, regions risk mapping and risk management plan);
    • Promote data sharing and enhance scientific and technical networking at regional level;
    • Undertake mapping of PPR interventions within the region;
    • Carry out mapping of animal health actors and their intervention areas at regional level;
    • Support and enhance laboratories capacities in PPR diagnostics;
    • Support laboratory capacity to enhance surveillance systems for early warning of PPR outbreaks;
    • Identify and support PPR vaccine production units at regional level;
    • Strengthen capacities of REC member states to develop realistic national strategic plans, policies and legislations aligned with the continental PPR eradication strategy in Africa relevant global instruments;
    • Prepare, coordinate and organize the vaccination strategy in response to PPR at regional level;
    • Backstop the ARIS manager in the analysis of member states animal health reports and the drafting of the Regional Animal Health Yearbook;
    • Contribute to the monitoring and analysis of the state of animal health in Africa and the generation of annual policy briefs;
    • Provide advocacy, communication strategies, planning and implementation and social mobilization support to PPR eradication strategy at regional level.

    The successful applicant should have:

    • Postgraduate University degree (Master's degree) in Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Epidemiology or Animal Health Economics and Planning from a recognized academic institution. A PhD qualification in the relevant disciplines will be an added advantage.
    • Possess a certificate in Project Management and Planning will be desirable.

    Method of Application

    The deadline for submission of proposals is 31st December 2024, 17.00 hours, Nairobi Local Time. The address for submission of applications is: Applications including detailed curriculum vitae (CV) should be submitted through email to:

    Documents to be submitted with the application:

    • Curriculum Vitae demonstrating suitability for this assignment
    • Copies of academic and professional qualifications
    • Identification documents e.g. passport with relevant biodata pages
    • Signed declaration on exclusion criteria

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