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Nyandarua County is a County in the former Central Province of Kenya. Its capital and largest town is Ol Kalou.Formerly the capital was Nyahururu, which is now part of the Laikipia County. Nyandarua County has population of 596,268 [and an area of 3,304 km²
Terms of Services: Five (5) years contract (Renewable)
Requirements for appointment
Duties and responsibilities
Requirements for appointment
Candidates are requested to download the Application for Employment Form from the County website: (Employment form) thereafter they should complete the Application for Employment Form and attach copies of the following documents:
Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce their original identity cards, academic and professional certicates plus other relevant documents in support of their applications.
Applications should be submitted to the County Public Service Board in an envelope which should be addressed to:
The Secretary,
County Public Service Board,
P.O Box 38-20303,
Ol’ Kalou,
Applications may also be hand delivered to the County Public Service Board oces located at Posta House, 2 nd oor, Ol’Kalou Town. Applications should be received on or before close of business on 4/2/2025.
Any form of canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualication. Nyandarua County Government is an equal opportunity employer: women, youth, persons with disabilities, minority and marginalized persons: are encouraged to apply.
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