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The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) is a continental coalition of Civil Society Organizations from diverse backgrounds in Africa.
The Communication and Advocacy Officer will play a vital role in advancing the AACJ Consortium’s objectives by fostering a robust and integrated communication and advocacy strategy, both internally across the project countries and externally with partners within and beyond the African continent.
Qualifications and Experience Required
The Project Manager will primarily play a pivotal role in the successful implementation and delivery of the AACJ Project. The Position aims to provide expertise in key areas relevant to global project management. The incumbent will particularly lead in the delivery of AACJ’s strategic and project implementation plan through quality control, timescale planning, process management, and risk management, whilst overseeing the project implementation in countries, and liaising with Consortium partners in countries and on regional and global level. S/he will be also be accountable for setting, achieving, and maintaining high standards of quality programming that reflect adherence to AACJ standard frameworks, and donor guidelines, while fostering needs-driven coordination, galvanize Consortium members to improve effectiveness and impact of the AACJ Project. The Project Manager will further provide a leading and mentoring role to the core Project Management Unit (PMU) team.
Qualifications and Experience Required
Candidates meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter with their updated Curriculum Vitae. All documents must be sent via email to BY 31ST /12/2024.
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