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  • Posted: Jan 21, 2025
    Deadline: Feb 11, 2025
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    The Commission dates back to 1954 when Civil Service Commission was established by British Colonial Government following Holmes Commission Report, 1948; Civil Service Commission was advisory to the Governor in matters of appointments; At independence in 1963 it was enshrined in the constitution and renamed Public Service Commission; Independence Constitut...
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    Vice Chancellor

    For appointment to this position, a candidate must:

    • be a full Professor with an earned PhD from a university recognized in Kenya;
    • have had fifteen (15) years’ relevant work experience, five (5) of which must be at the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor of a university, Principal of a Constituent College;
    • or have a track record of distinguished service in government, private sector and/or a top-notch global university;
    • have undergone extensive senior management training, including a leadership Course
    • lasting not less than four (4) weeks cumulatively;
    • have supervised and mentored students in Masters and PhD programmes;
    • have published in peer-reviewed journals, and university level books/book chapters;
    • have demonstrable experience in networking, fund raising and resource mobilization;
    • possess sound knowledge of structural, legislative and regulatory framework for managing a university;
    • have proven knowledge and experience in the application of ICT in teaching and learning in a university;
    • possess an understanding of national policies and strategies governing university
    • financing, education and training in Kenya; and
    • meet the requirements of Chapter 6 of the constitution of Kenya

    Core Competences

    • The following skills and core competencies will be required:
    • negotiation skills;
    • emotional Intelligence, communication and team building skills;
    • strategic thought process and organization of complex, multi-layered and multicultural university;
    • digitalization and artificial intelligence awareness;
    • creativity and innovativeness;
    • customer/citizen and stakeholders focus and sensitivity;
    • continuous learning, research and community service;
    • effective time management; and deep understanding of corporate and good governance

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • The Vice Chancellor’s duties and responsibilities will include:
    • leading the implementation of the 8-point Transformation Strategy 2025-2026 for the university as approved by the Government of Kenya in December, 2024;
    • having the overall mandate over the management and administration of the university at both administrative and academic levels with the overall accountability and responsibility to the university council for the direction, organization and administration of the programmes;
    • being the accounting officer, an ex-officio member of the university council, chairperson of the senate and the university management board; and
    • being responsible for the general conduct and discipline of staff and students to ensure conducive atmosphere for teaching, research and community service.

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    Deputy Vice Chancellor- Academic Affairs

    For appointment to this position, a candidate must:

    • be a full Professor with an earned PhD from a university recognized in Kenya;
    • be a registered member of a professional body and in good standing;
    • have at least fifteen (15) years’ relevant work experience, four (4) of which must be at the position of Deputy Principal of a Constituent College or any other comparable and leadership level in a research and academic institution;
    • have undergone management training including a leadership Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks cumulatively;
    • have supervised and mentored students in Masters and PhD Degree programmes;
    • have been a scholar of great international repute as demonstrated by extensive
    • publications in peer reviewed journals, and university level books and book chapters;
    • have demonstrable experience in networking, fund raising and resource mobilization;
    • possess sound knowledge of structural, legislative and regulatory framework for managing a university;
    • have proven knowledge and experience in the application of ICT in teaching and learning in a university;
    • possess an understanding of national policies and strategies governing university
    • financing, education and training in Kenya; and
    • meet the requirements of Chapter 6 of the constitution of Kenya

    Core Competences

    • The following skills and core competencies will be required:
    • negotiation skills;
    • emotional Intelligence, communication and team building skills;
    • strategic thought process and organization of complex, multi-layered and multicultural university;
    • digitalization and artificial intelligence awareness;
    • creativity and innovativeness;
    • customer/citizen and stakeholders focus and sensitivity;
    • continuous learning, research and community service;
    • effective time management;
    • skillful decision making ability in complex organizational setting; and deep understanding of corporate and good governance

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs is responsible for academic affairs of the university under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor. Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
    • planning, developing and formulating the appropriate policies to promote teaching, learning, innovation and technology transfer;
    • reviewing and developing academic programmes as well as rules and regulations
    • governing the implementing of approved/accredited academic programmes;
    • formulating guidelines for the effective management, implementation and evaluation of academic programmes;
    • developing effective and efficient admission and registration system and oversighting/coordinating admissions, examinations, undergraduate and postgraduate studies, library services, students’ attachment and training of academic staff;
    • over sighting and coordinating both Continuous Assessment Tests and final university Examinations;
    • guiding chairpersons of Departments, Deans, and Directors of Campuses on the running of academic programmes;
    • being responsible for the management of academic facilities and programmes;
    • planning and overseeing the preparation, implementation and reviewing of the academic quality assurance and e-learning policies;
    • mobilizing resources for teaching and learning including integration of ICT in teaching and learning;
    • developing, maintaining and promoting academic collaborations and linkages with both local and international institutions of higher learning;
    • overseeing and coordinating students welfare;
    • reviewing and developing market driven programmes;
    • reviewing ,strengthening and overseeing students’ governance issues and services
    • offered to students with special needs; and
    • overseeing the election of Deans or Directors of Faculties/Institutes

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    Deputy Vice – Chancellor (Administration, Finance, Planning and Development)

    For appointment to this position, a candidate must:

    • be a holder of an earned PhD degree from a recognized university and serving as an Associate Professor;
    • have had at least eight (8) years of academic and research experience with scholarly record demonstrated by publications internationally refereed journals, publications or university level books and have attracted project grants or awards;
    • have experience in Senior Administrative posts such as acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Director or academic Dean of a faculty/school or equivalent in a recognized university or a research institution or any other relevant institution with demonstrable results;
    • have good understanding of legal framework for University Education, University governance structures, Public Finance Management, fiscal policies, infrastructure growth, strategic planning and Kenya Vision 2030 flagship projects, BETA Agenda, Performance Management, Human Resource Management , Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015;
    • have demonstrable ability and leadership skills to effectively coordinate the administration and financial functions and be familiar with financial planning, accounting, strategic planning and quality management systems; and
    • be of the highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism and comply with the requirements of the constitution of Kenya.

    Core Competences

    • The following competences and skills are required;
    • ability to espouse and promote the national values and governance firm, fair and transparent style of management;
    • be a visionary and results oriented leader;
    • excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills; and ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines.

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration, Finance, Planning and Development) shall be the Head of the division of Administration, Finance Planning and Development and in consultation with the Vice Chancellor his/her duties and responsibilities will include:-
    • providing leadership and direction in the management of University’s financial resources;
    • being responsible for the management and administration matters in a resultoriented work environment, geared towards achieving the university’s goals, objectives, performance contracts and the strategic plan;
    • coordinating the design, development, implementation and maintenance of appropriate human resource policies, procedures and systems to attract, develop and retain qualified and experienced staff;
    • maintaining efficiency and good order of the university including staff welfare, conduct and discipline and ensuring proper enforcement of the statues and regulations;
    • being responsible for the university central services including the medical services, transport, procurement, development projects, estates and maintenance, catering and accommodation;
    • coordinating the preparation of statutory financial statements, university budget and other management reports;
    • making proposals, coordinating development projects and overseeing development projects and preparing periodic status reports;
    • developing and implementing the enterprise development program to contribute to long term university’s sustainability;
    • representing the university in collective bargaining negotiations, administration and management, including labour relations, grievances handling, retirement benefits management, contract interpretation, and workers’ compensation; and performing such other functions and responsibilities assigned by the Vice Chancellor and University Council as may be necessary and in the interest of the university as per its rules and regulations.

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    Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance)

    For appointment to this position, a candidate must: -

    • be a Professor or Associate Professor and a holder of an earned Doctorate degree or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Commission of University Education (CUE) in Kenya;
    • have served substantively successfully and progressively in a recognized university as a Registrar or Dean of School or Deputy Principal of a Constituent College and Chairperson of an Academic Department or equivalent position for cumulative period of at least six (6) years with proven leadership and strategic management of finances and human resources;
    • have an exemplary scholarly record demonstrated by publications in internationally high impact peer reviewed journals in their areas of specialization, supervision of postgraduate students and attracting research grants;
    • have excellent knowledge and understanding of the structural and legislative frameworks that govern university education in Kenya;
    • have demonstrated management capacity including thorough knowledge and understanding of the Public Finance Act No. 18 of 2012, the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act No. 33 of 2015, Human Resource Management, Strategic Planning Quality Management Systems and Performance Contracting;
    • have demonstrable experience in networking, fundraising and resource
    • mobilization for sustainable growth and development of a university;
    • have excellent organizational, communication and interpersonal skills;
    • have a proven track record in management of change, transformative and strategic leadership; and
    • be a registered member of professional association in his/her profession(where applicable)and meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution on Leadership, Ethics and Integrity

    Core Competencies

    • The following core competencies and skills will be required:
    • consultative management styles with balanced firmness and fairness;
    • capacity to work under pressure and meet strict guidelines;
    • ability to portray and uphold national image and work in multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity to and respect for diversity; and strategic management leadership skills with result oriented mindset

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Vice Chancellor- Administration and Finance include:
    • being the head of Administration and Finance function in the university;
    • management and implementation of finance, human resources, assets and development plans;
    • developing and implementing appropriate Finance and Administration management policies and procedures in conformity with existing Kenyan law and relevant regulations;
    • providing leadership, guidance and direction to departments dealing with Human Resource Administration, Health Services, Security, Registry Administration, Legal, Transport, ICT, Staff Housing, Catering and university Central services;
    • being responsible for preparation of estimates, allocation of funds, control of expenditure and financial accounting, physical developments, Grounds and Estates Management and Procurement Services;
    • coordination and prudent management of finance, human resources, assets and infrastructural development plans;
    • undertaking performance contracting and strategic planning in the division;
    • being the management representative in the process of ISO certifications and Quality Management System (QMS) evaluation procedures;
    • overseeing proper management of staff welfare matters and pension scheme;
    • undertaking such other duties as may be assigned or delegated by the ViceChancellor in accordance with the university statutes

    Expected Deliverables

    • effective and well managed finance, human resources, assets and infrastructure development plans;
    • avail accurate and current financial and human resource information to support decision making;
    • appropriate Finance, Human Resource and Management Policies And Procedures In Conformity With The Constitution Of Kenya And Relevant Laws Developed And Implemented;
    • well-developed systems, policies and procedures for proper management, and
    • utilization of university resources including human, physical, financial and information technology; and
    • effective execution of duties and responsibilities delegated by the ViceChancellor

    Method of Application

    The names of shortlisted candidates shall be published on the Commission’s website;
    Shortlisted candidates will be required to present originals of the following documents during the interviews:

    • National Identity Card;
    • Academic and Professional Certificates and transcripts;
    • Any other supporting documents and testimonials; and
    • Recommendations from relevant professional bodies and associations;
    • Recommendations from at least three (3) referees should be sent separately to the address below.

    Candidates should submit manual (hard copy) applications;

    • All applications should be submitted together with detailed Curriculum Vitae, a copy of ID/Passport, copies of academic certificates, testimonials and any other relevant supporting documents;
    • The Curriculum Vitae should include information on academic qualifications, professional experience, leadership and management roles, publications, awards, scholarships, funding, membership of professional association, linkages and community service, email address and telephone contacts;
    • Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked:
    • “Application for the position of Vice Chancellor – University of Nairobi’’
    • OR
    • “Application for the position of Deputy Vice - Chancellor (Academic Affairs)- University of Nairobi’’ and delivered to:

    Public Service Commission
    Commission House
    P.O Box 30095-00100
    All applications should reach the Public Service Commission on or before 11th February, 2025 latest by 5.00 p. m (East African Time)

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