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The Commission is responsible for conducting or supervising referenda and elections to any elective body or office established by the Constitution, and any other elections as prescribed by an Act of Parliament and, in particular, for; The continuous registration of voters and revision of the voter's roll; The delimitation of constituencies and wards; Th...
PURSUANT to Article 166(3) of the Constitution as read with section 6(1) of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Act, a person is qualified for appointment as Chairperson of the IEBC if such person is qualified to hold the office of Judge of the Supreme Court under the Constitution, that is, the applicant must have at least fifteen years’ experience as a superior court judge; or
FURTHER pursuant to Article 88(2) of the Constitution, a person is not eligible for appointment as Chairperson of the IEBC, if the person—
PURSUANT to section 6(2) of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Act, a person is qualified for appointment as a Member of the IEBC if such person— holds a degree from a recognized university;
FURTHER pursuant to Article 88(2) of the Constitution, a person shall be disqualified for appointment as a Member of the IEBC, if the person—
Applications should be accompanied by-
Applicants shall be required to attach to their applications, current and valid clearances from the following bodies:
NB: The proviso to section 9(5) of the Employment Act, Cap.226 states that “…an applicant for a state office shall provide compliance or clearance certificates at such times in the recruitment or approval process as they may be required”.
Applications should be addressed to:
The Selection Panel for the Recruitment of Nominees for appointment as the Chairperson and Members of the IEBC,
P.O. Box 41842 – 00100, Nairobi.
Applicants must clearly indicate the reference number of the position they are applying for: CHAIRPERSON OF THE IEBC (Ref. SP/IEBC/1/2025) or MEMBER OF THE IEBC (Ref. SP/IEBC/2/2025);
Applications and supporting documentation may be— hand-delivered in a sealed envelope between 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. to the Secretariat of the Selection Panel for the Recruitment of Nominees for appointment as the Chairperson and Members of the IEBC, 3rd Floor, County House Building, Parliament Road; or submitted online as a PDF file format attachment by emailing to;
All applications must be received on or before Saturday, 15th February, 2025 at 5.00 p.m. (East African Time).
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