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The Commission for University Education was established by an Act of Parliament, Universities Act, No. 42 of 2012 as the successor to the Commission for Higher Education which was established under Universities Act Cap 210B of 1985. This was to address the need to regulate, coordinate and assure quality in university education as a result of growth and expan...
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Job Specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level entail: -
- Developing and implementing policies, standards, guidelines and processes for quality university education;
- Coordinating the auditing of university academic programmes;
- Coordinating regular inspections to assure quality university education;
- Monitoring compliance with set standards in chartered universities;
- Overseeing regular institutional Audits;
- Conducting impromptu quality audit/inspections;
- Developing and implementing training programmes for Quality Assurance Directors of universities on the implementation of Internal Quality Assurance mechanism;
- Monitoring the implementation of quality audit recommendations;
- Coordinating the processing of applications for collaborations between foreign universities and local institutions;
- Spearheading training of quality auditors and stakeholders' workshops;
- Developing and implementing quarterly/ annual work plans;
- Developing and implementing departmental budgets and procurement plans;and
- Providing secretarial services to the Quality Assurance Committee of the Commission.
Person Specifications
For appointment to this Grade an Officer must have:-
- A minimum of ten (10) years relevant work experience, five (5) years of which should be in a management role;
- Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: - Education, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Master’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: - Education, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks form a recognized institution;
- Membership to relevant professional bodies and in good standing;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Key Competencies and skills
- Communication and reporting skills;
- Teamwork;
- Time management skills;
- Organization and inter personal skill;
- Negotiation skills;
- Dispute resolution skills; and
- Analytical skills.
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Job Specifications
Duties and Responsibilities at this level entails:-
- Spearheads identification of gaps and formulation and periodic review of regulations, standards and guidelines and other instruments used in programme accreditation;
- Liaising with the relevant department for the development of standards, guidelines and processes for programme accreditation;
- Overseeing training of peer reviewers;
- Coordinating the preparation of validation and accreditation reports;
- Making recommendations to the commission on programmes for consideration and approval;
- Providing custody for approved academic programmes;
- Assigning academic programmes to relevant officers for evaluation;
- Convening programme evaluation and site inspections Meetings;
- Coordinating preparation of departmental budget, quarterly/annual work plans and procurement plans; and
- Coordinating staff development and performance management in the department.
Person Specifications
For appointment to this Grade an Officer must have:-
- A minimum period of ten (10) years relevant work experience, five (5) years of which should be in a supervisory role;
- Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: - Education, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Masters Education, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution.;
- Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution;
- Membership of relevant professional bodies and in good standing;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Key competencies and skills
- Communication and reporting skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Inter personal skills;
- Mentoring, coaching and leadership skills;
- Professionalism;
- Interpersonal and negotiation skills; and
- Ability to work under pressure, prioritize and multi task
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Job specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: -
- Overseeing the evaluation of proposals for university libraries;
- Assessing and recommending evaluated proposals for approval;
- Overseeing library inspections and preparation of reports;
- Preparing budgets for the department;
- Developing and implementing the library strategic plan;
- Providing advisory services to institutions on the process of library accreditation;
- Liaising with the relevant department for the development of standards, guidelines and processes for library accreditation;
- Managing the Library and Information Resource Centre in the Commission;
- Supervising technical services in the Commission Resource Centre - classification and cataloguing, indexing and abstracting of acquired information resources;
- Training and sensitizing of CUE library users on information access;
- Implementing the library development policy of the Commission;
- Selecting of relevant information resources; and
- Inspecting university libraries for accreditation and for quality assurance.
Person Specification
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: -
- A minimum of ten (10) years relevant work experience, five (5) years of which should be in a management role;
- Bachelor's Degree Library and information service or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
- Master’s degree in library and information service or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
- Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution;
- Membership to a professional body and in good standing;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfil the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution.
Key Competencies and Skills
- Strategic leadership skills;
- Financial management skills;
- Networking skills;
- Interpersonal skills; and
- Communication and Presentation skills.
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Job specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: -
- Assessing academic programmes for compliance with the Commission's guidelines;
- Coordinating training of peer reviewers;
- Overseeing organization site visits;
- Maintaining peer reviewers' database;
- ensuring identification of peer reviewers is done in accordance with established guidelines;
- Following up with peer reviewers to ensure timely submission of evaluation reports;
- Maintaining status reports on the evaluation of the academic programmes;
- Preparing site inspection reports on academic programs for institutions; and
- Examining proposals for courses of study and course regulations submitted by Universities; and
- Preparation of documents for the facilitation of Panel Meetings, Curriculum Accreditation SubCommittee Meetings, site inspections and programme accreditation trainings and workshops.
Person specification
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: -
- A minimum of four (4) years relevant work experience;
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: - Education, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Membership to relevant professional bodies and in good standing;
- Supervisory Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks from a reocnized institution;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Key competencies and skills
- Communication and reporting skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Inter personal skill; and
- Interpersonal and negotiation skills.
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Job specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: -
- Evaluating proposals on proposed universities and preparing evaluation reports;
- Coordinating training of peer reviewers;
- Overseeing organization of inspections;
- Preparing technical reports; evaluating proposals by institutions seeking to establish satellite campuses;
- Evaluating proposals by institutions seeking collaboration on university education;
- Preparing briefs on institutions seeking accreditation and upgrading in university education;
- Evaluating institutional reports; and
- Maintaining status reports on the evaluation of the academic programmes.
Person specification
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: -
- A minimum of four (4) years relevant work experience;
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: - Education, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Membership to relevant professional bodies and in good standing;
- Supervisory Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks from a recognized institution;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Key competencies and skills
- Communication and reporting skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Inter personal skill; and
- Interpersonal and negotiation skills.
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Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
- Coordinating implementation of departmental strategies on ICT infrastructure to align with the corporate strategy;
- Managing implementation of corporate ICT disaster recovery and business continuity strategies;
- Directing development of ICT system controls and access management, including monitoring, control and evaluation of system use to promote system safety and security;
- Controlling development and implementation of hardware and software standards for networks, servers, databases, and ICT services;
- Planning, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the development and implementation of systems and project activities;
- Managing effective provisioning, installation/configuration, operation, and administration of systems hardware and software and related infrastructure;
- Undertaking periodic review of ICT systems projects and procedures and recommends improvements; and
- Ensuring Business continuity by performing regular data and application backups.
Persons Specification
For appointment to this grade, an Officer must have:
- A minimum of four (4) years relevant work experience;
- Bachelor’s Degree in: Computer Science/Information Communication Technology/Business Information Technology or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Registered by a relevant professional body/ society where applicable;
- Relevant ICT certification from recognized certification bodies;
- Supervisory Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks from a recognized institution;
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results; and
- Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya
Key competencies and skills
- Communication, reporting and presentation skills;
- Interpersonal skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Attention to detail;
- Research skills;
- organizational skills;
- team player;
- Ability to work under pressure;
- Network Administration skills; and
- System Administration skills.
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Job Specifications
Duties and responsibilities will entail: -
- Assisting in writing press releases and distributing them to the Commission’s stakeholders;
- Assisting in generating content for publishing in the Commission’s newsletters;
- Assisting in the dissemination of IEC materials within the Commission and maintain schedules for the same;
- Maintaining current news briefs and newsletters and availing the same for clients’ use;
- Providing administrative support to public relations departments by completing tasks such as filing, copying and fielding phone calls;
- Participating in organizing Meetings and booking Meetings rooms;
- Handling correspondence directed to Deputy Directors;
- Participating in brainstorming and planning sessions;
- Assisting in organizing and execution of PR events, campaigns etc; and
- Assisting in the distribution of the Commission’s IEC and branded materials to both internal and external stakeholders.
Persons Specification
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: -
- Diploma in Public Relations Management/Mass communication or its equivalent;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfill the requirements of Chapter 6 of the constitution.
Key Competencies and Skills
- Communication skills;
- Interpersonal skills; and
- Organizational skills;
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Job Specifications
This will be the entry grade for Diploma holders. A staff at this level will work under the supervision of a senior officer.
The duties and responsibilities will entail assisting in:
- Entering financial data to appropriate accounts in an automated accounting system;
- Preparing and submitting customer invoices;
- Permanent iii. Preparing and submitting of relevant with-holding and VAT payments to the Kenya Revenue Authority;
- Coding and receiving payments;
- Preparing of petty cash reimbursement payment vouchers;
- Preparing and issuing of cheques;
- Endorsing paid vouchers with payment dates, cheques numbers and paying bank;
- Filing vouchers with the aim of effective retrieval;
- Conducting monthly reconciliation of staff and supplier accounts; and
- Receiving and recording incoming payment requests from suppliers and customers and posting in incoming registers.
Persons Specifications
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
- Diploma in Finance/Accounts or its recognized equivalent qualifications OR Passed Part I of the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Key Competencies and Skills
- Communication skills;
- Interpersonal skills;
- Organizational skills; and
- Team player.
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Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
- Issuing and receiving stores items and maintaining the relevant records;
- Undertaking reconciliation of records as necessary;
- Arranging for disposal of obsolete stores and equipment in line with the relevant Act and regulations;
- Conducting annual and periodic stock taking; and
- Maintaining inventory levels through stock control in accordance with the laid down regulations and procedures.
Person Specifications
For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: -
- Diploma in Purchasing and Supply, Procurement and Logistics or other related field;
- Proficiency in computer applications;
- Member of Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM)/ Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) with a licence to operate; and
- Fulfilling the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
Key Competencies and Skills
- Communication skills;
- Interpersonal skills; and
- Ability to work under pressure
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Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
- Drive the vehicle as authorized;
- Routine checks and maintenance of the vehicle;
- Ensure the safety of the vehicle, passengers and goods therein;
- Maintain the work ticket for assigned vehicles;
- Carrying out first aid in case of accident;
- Detecting and reporting malfunctioning vehicles systems;
- Securing the vehicle while on and off the road;
- Enhancing the safety of passengers and/or good;
- Monitoring efficient and effective use of fuel;
- Ensuring the cleanliness and overall maintenance of the vehicle;
- Monitor deadlines for the vehicles insurance; and
- Report accidents, incidents and theft cases promptly.
Person Specifications
For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: -
- At least five (5) years driving experience
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education mean grade D+ (plus) or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
- Valid driving license free from any current endorsements(s) for classes of the vehicles thedriver is required to drive;
- Passed the Suitability Test for Drivers Grade I from the Ministry of Roads and Public Works;
- Valid Certificate of Good Conduct;
- First Aid Certificate course lasting not less than one (1) week from St. Johns Ambulance or any other recognized institution;
- Proficiency in computer applications; and
- Fulfil the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution.
Key Competencies and Skills
- Customer care skills;
- Communication and reporting skills; and
- Interpersonal skills.
Method of Application
Application Procedure
- Interested and qualified candidates who meet the above requirements are requested to make their applications ONLINE through the Careers portal available on CUE website.
- Shortlisted candidates will be expected to bring the original certificates for verification during the interview.
All applications to reach the Commission on or before 3rd February, 2025 at 5.00 p. East Africa time.
The Successful candidates will be required to provide the following documents before the award of offer in compliance with Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010:
- Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).
- Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).
- Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).
- Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).
- Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).
For any enquiries, please contact the undersigned.
The Chief Executive Officer/Commission Secretary,
Commission for University Education,
Red Hill Road, Off Limuru Road, Gigiri,
P.O. Box 54999-00200,
Nairobi, Kenya
Interested and qualified? Go to
Commission for University Education on to apply
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