AddressRed Hill Road, Off Limuru Road, Gigiri. P.O. Box 54999 - 00200, Nairobi, Kenya
About Commission for University Education
The Commission for University Education was established by an Act of Parliament, Universities Act, No. 42 of 2012 as the successor to the Commission for Higher Education which was established under Universities Act Cap 210B of 1985. This was to address the need to regulate, coordinate and assure qua... read morelity in university education as a result of growth and expansion of the university sub sector in Kenya. The Commission was established as a body corporate to make better provisions for the advancement of quality university education in the country.
Accessible, relevant and sustainable quality university education
To regulate and assure quality university education by setting standards and monitoring compliance to achieve global competitiveness
To promote the objectives of university education, by regulating and accrediting universities and programmes, among other functions
Corporate Values and Principles
4.Accountability; and
Quality Policy Statement
The Commission is committed to ensuring increased access to sustainable quality university education and training through planning, coordination, resource mobilization, quality assurance enhancement and information service.
In pursuit of this commitment the Commission shall:
1.Endeavour to understand customer requirements and their challenges;
2.Meet and strive to exceed customer expectations;
3.Ensure that the quality objectives are implemented, monitored and reviewed regularly;
4.Align its quality management system with statutory, regulatory and ISO 9001:2008 requirements;
5.Communicate the policy within the organization and ensure it is reviewed for continued suitability
The Commission for University Act No. 42 of 2012 stipulates the specific function of the Commission is as follows: 1.Promote the objectives of university education;
2.Advise the Cabinet Secretary on policy relating to university education;
3.Promote, set standards and assure relevance in the quality of university education;
4.Monitor and evaluate the state of university education systems in relation to the national development goals;
5.License any student recruitment agencies operating in Kenya and any activities by foreign institutions;
6.Develop policy for criteria and requirements for admission to universities;
7.Recognize and equate degrees, diplomas and certificates conferred or awarded by foreign universities and institutions in accordance with the standards and guidelines set by the Commission from time to time;
8.Undertake or cause to be undertaken, regular inspections, monitoring and evaluation of universities to ensure compliance with set standards and guidelines;
9.Collect, disseminate and maintain data on university education;
10.Accredit universities in Kenya;
11.Regulate university education in Kenya;
12.Accredit and inspect university programmes in Kenya;
13.Promote quality research and innovation; and
14.Perform such other functions and exercise such other powers as the Commission may deem necessary for the proper discharge of its mandate under the Act.
Authority of the Commission
The Commission shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and capable, in its corporate name, of:
1.suing and being sued;
2.taking, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring, holding, charging and disposing of movable and immovable property, and
3.doing or performing all such other things or acts necessary for the proper performance of its functions under this Act as may lawfully be done or performed by a body corporate.
Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
Drive the vehicle as authorized;
Routine checks and maintenance of the vehicle;
Ensure the safety of the veh
Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
Issuing and receiving stores items and maintaining the relevant records;
Undertaking reconciliation of records
Job Specifications
This will be the entry grade for Diploma holders. A staff at this level will work under the supervision of a senior officer.
The duties and responsibilities will entail assist
Job Specifications
Duties and responsibilities will entail: -
Assisting in writing press releases and distributing them to the Commission’s stakeholders;
Assisting in generating content
Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
Coordinating implementation of departmental strategies on ICT infrastructure to align with the corporate strateg
Job specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: -
Evaluating proposals on proposed universities and preparing evaluation reports;
Coordinating training of peer review
Job specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: -
Assessing academic programmes for compliance with the Commission's guidelines;
Coordinating training of peer rev
Job specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: -
Overseeing the evaluation of proposals for university libraries;
Assessing and recommending evaluated proposals for
Job Specifications
Duties and Responsibilities at this level entails:-
Spearheads identification of gaps and formulation and periodic review of regulations, standards and guidelines and other i
Job Specification
Duties and responsibilities at this level entail: -
Developing and implementing policies, standards, guidelines and processes for quality university education;
Ref: CUE/01/2023/007
Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: -
Recording dictation in shorthand and transcribing it in typewritten form;
Drafting and
Ref: CUE/01/2022/006
Job Specifications
Facilitating interviews with the media and the general public;
Preparing media supplements, documentaries, press releases/media features;
Posting r
Ref: CUE/01/2022/005
Administration Functions
supervise implementation of all service contracts in administration and human resources
prepare and implement a maintenance schedule of all Ass
Ref: CUE/01/2023/004
Job Specifications
An officer at this level will be responsible to the Commission Secretary /Chief Executive Officer for all Planning, Research, Innovation and Data
Ref: CUE/01/2022/003
Duties and responsibilities entail: -
Initiating formulation, implementation and review of policies, standards and guidelines for recognition and quality assurance;
REF: CUE/01/2022/002
Job Specification
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail:
Advising Management on policies, strategies and programs relating to Finance, Human Resourc
REF: CUE/01/2023/001
Job Specifications
The Deputy Commission Secretary, Accreditation is responsible to the Commission Secretary for the overall accreditation functions which include:-
Job Purpose
The Commission Secretary / CEO shall demonstrate commitment to the Commission ’s vision, mission, core values and mandate and be responsible for the implementation of the Commissi