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  • Posted: Dec 17, 2024
    Deadline: Jan 7, 2025
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    Narok County Government was formed by the County Governments Act of 2012 as prescribed in the 2010 Constitution of Kenya. It is one of the 47 devolved units situated in the Great Rift Valley in the Southern part of the Country where it boarders the republic of Tanzania. Narok County has its headquarters in Narok Town, off Narok Nakuru Road. Narok County comprises of six (6) sub-counties namely: Narok North, Narok West, Narok East, Narok South, Transmara East and Transmara West.
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    Principal Tourism Officer

    Duties and Responsibilities

    An officer at this level will be deployed at the headquarters or may head a field office. Duties and responsibilities will include: initial preparation and implementation of tourism policy, provision of technical advisory services to encourage investment in the tourism sector; coordinating hospitality matters for international meetings, conferences and exhibitions held in the County; undertaking the promotion of youth tourism, domestic and international tourism; follow-up on the implementation of bilateral and multi-lateral tourism agreements/protocols; conduct research and preparation of project proposals in liaison with other relevant Departments and key stakeholders; evaluate Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit reports; classification of hotels, tented camps, restaurants and other tourist establishments. Additional duties will involve supervision and development of staff

    For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:

    • served in the grade of chief tourism officer or in a comparable position in the public or private sector for at least three (3) years;
    • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: Tourism, Environmental Science, Business Administration (Marketing option), Economics, Commerce (Marketing option), Sociology, Geography, International Relations or equivalent qualification in a related field from a recognized Institution
    • Certificate in Senior Management Course not less than four (4) weeks or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
    • Certificate in computer application skills; and
    • demonstrated professional competence and managerial capability as reflected in work performance and results

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    Principal Administration Officer - 2 Posts

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: implementing administrative policies, procedures and strategies; preparing briefs and memos; compilingmonthly utilization and expenditure data of all vehicles; preparing reports on motor vehicles; ensuring provision of office equipment and materials; maintaining and updating furniture and office equipment inventory; overseeing telephone and registry services; maintenance of buildings and equipment; ensuring cleaning of offices; and coordinating security services.

    For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:

    • served in the grade of chief administration officer or in a comparable position in the public or private sector for a minimum period of three (3) years;
    • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: - Public Administration, Business Administration, Political Science/Government or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
    • Certificate in Senior Management Course not less than four (4) weeks or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
    • Certificate in computer application skills; and
    • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

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    Clerical Officer II

    Duties and Responsibilities

    This is the entry and training grade for the Clerical Cadre. An officer at this level will be deployed in the secretariat, Specific duties and responsibilities will entail: Preparation of agenda and minutes, Draft indent and letters, Compute leave for Board members and Secretariat, check general office cleaning and security of building and equipment, Photocopying and scanning of documents, Maintenance and preservation of records in the Board, Collecting and maintaining statistical records.

    Requirements for Appointment
     For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: -

    • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C- (Minus) or its equivalent qualification; and
    • Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution

    Method of Application

    Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications in written by completing one (1) Application for employment form serial number NRK-CPSB (2)2016 (REV. 2021). The form can be downloaded from the Narok County Government website

    Please note: Candidates should not attach any documents to the application form; ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form.

    • Only qualified and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
    • Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
    • It is a criminal offence to present fake certificates/documents.

    The Narok CPSB is committed to availing equal employment opportunities to all Kenyans. Persons with Disabilities, the marginalized and the minorities are encouraged to apply.
    Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce original and copies of the following documents:

    • National Identity Card;
    • Academic and Professional certificates and transcripts that are certified by the issuing institution.
    • Current Clearances from the following bodies:
      • Kenya Revenue Authority;
      • Higher Education Loans Board;
      • A Registered Credit Reference Bureau;
      • Directorate of Criminal Investigations (Police Clearance Certificate);
      • Self – declaration Form dully stamped by the Ethics and Anti-corruption commission

    Applications should reach the Board on or before 07 January 2025 addressed to:

    The Board Secretary/CEO
    Narok County Public Service Board
    P.O Box 545-20500

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