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  • Posted: Dec 13, 2024
    Deadline: Jan 6, 2025
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    The University of Nairobi Pension Scheme has undergone a number of metamorphosis since itthat began in 1956 when the Royal Technical College of East Africa (as the University was known then) establishment the Royal Technical College (Nairobi) Pension Scheme. Stage two of the metamorphosis occurred in January 25, 1961 when the College was admitted to the (Com...
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    Office Assistant- Grade 5 (1 Post)


    • Provide general office support to the Secretariat.
    • Ensure general cleanliness and orderliness of the office.
    • Perform general reception duties as well as managing general office phone calls.
    • Perform the duties of an office messenger.
    • Records management.
    • Undertake and perform any other relevant duties as assigned from time to time.


    • KCSE C- (Minus) or equivalent.
    • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in office support services or equivalent.
    • Certificate in business management or equivalent qualification.
    • Computer literacy.
    • Possession of a valid and clean driving license with driving experience of not less than 5 years. This will be an added advantage.

    go to method of application »

    Scheme Trust Secretary – Grade 2 (1 Post)


    • To provide administrative support and service to the secretariat in a professional and timely manner.
    • Provide guidance to the Board of Trustees on the Trustees' duties and responsibilities and on matters of governance.
    •  Ensure the timely preparation and circulation of papers and minutes of the Board of Trustees, committees of the Board and AGM.
    • Maintain and update the register of conflicts of interest.
    • Ensure that the Trustees are aware of the relevant laws relating to the scheme.
    • Facilitate effective communication between the Board of Trustees and other stakeholders.
    • Co-ordinate the evaluations of the performance of the Board of Trustees including the evaluations of the performance of the Chairperson, Individual Trustees and Committees of the Board.
    • Identify any links or duplication in the roles of the committees of the Board of Trustees.
    • Provide feedback on the overall scheme governance a n d management.
    • Support the scheme administrator in responding to issues and making follow ups on tasks and resolutions allocated at meetings.
    • Provide supportive HR Administrative services.
    • Assist in preparing and maintaining the scheme’s year plan or calendar.
    • Preparations of all documents for Trustees elections.
    • Preparation of Scheme’s newsletter, Scheme booklet and Scheme policies.
    • Handling members queries and complaints.
    • Maintaining Trustees and Staff files.
    • Participate in the meetings of the Board of Trustees as an ex officio member without the right to vote on any of the decision of the board.
    • Undertake any other duties relevant duties as assigned from time to time.


    • Master’s Degree in Strategic Management, Business Administration, Finance, Economics or any other relevant field from a recognized institution.
    • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Economics, Law, Social Science, Human Resource, Actuarial Science, Insurance, Finance, Accounting or any other relevant field from a recognized institution.


    • A minimum of ten (10) years’ work experience in the pension industry with at least five (5) years in management position.
    • Knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
    • Legal & regulatory framework governing the Kenyan pension industry
    • Liability matching investment strategies
    • Actuarial methods and assumptions
    • Real Estate Investments
    • Finance o Risk Management
    • Understanding of the interplay between funding and investment.
    • Well-grounded understanding of corporate governance;
    • Proven track record on development and implementation of turnaround strategies; and
    • Knowledge of Public Procurement Laws and Regulations.
    • Excellent organizational, analytical and coordination skills;
    • Effective stewardship to serve and safeguard members’ assets;
    • Professionalism and integrity;
    • Efficiency and drive for results.

    Method of Application

    Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications should send their applications online to the Chairperson, Board of Trustees through the Scheme’s email address Attach a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of academic and professional certificates and other testimonials. Please note that the information may be used to conduct background verification during the recruitment process. In your application, please quote the title of the position you are applying for, and include your mobile telephone contact and email address. Applications should be received on or before Monday, 6th January 2025.

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