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  • Posted: Dec 20, 2024
    Deadline: Dec 25, 2024
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    The World Food Programme is the food assistance branch of the United Nations and the world's largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security.
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    National Consultant – Kenya Country Strategic Plan 2025 Outcome Monitoring (Access to and Consumption of Nutritious Foods Thematic Team Lead), SSA9


    • Support the team leader in managing the OM work. Lead OM work on access to and consumption of nutritious foods thematic area. Contribute, by bringing expertise in Food and nutrition security  technical expertise in drafting and revising (as required) and finalizing the technical note that contains among others:
    •  Detailed OM design, sampling methodology, and sample size calculations.
    • Quality Assurance Plan
    • Detailed work plan, including, timeline and activities.
    • Bibliography of documents/secondary data sources utilized.
    • Final data collection tools
    • Data analysis plan
    • Contribute, by bringing expertise in Food and nutrition security  in developing a Power-point presentation on methodology, overall survey plan, timeline and activities and support presentation of this to WFP for discussion and inputs before field work begins. Lead in   planning for OM field work for CSP Outcome 1, ensuring data collection tools are tested and digitalized and enumerators are adequately trained. Conduct field work as per the OM work plan Support in ensuring adequate supervision of quantitative data collection at field level. Do and Support data cleaning and data analysis as per the data analysis plan.
    • Contribute to the final OM report by leading the drafting of ’access to and consumption of nutritious foods ‘’ thematic area, including a first draft, revise as required and a final report ensuring all required annexes to the final report are included in the report. The baseline report should be accompanied by the following;
    • Summary of key informant interviews, focus group discussions including quotes from beneficiaries and partners, etc.
    • Table of all standard and custom indicator baseline and OM values
    • List of sampled sites
    • Contribute to the Preparation of a Power-point presentation of main findings and conclusions for de-briefing and dissemination purposes ensuring  access to and consumption of nutritious foods thematic area is fully included. Attend a debriefing session with stakeholders and support in presentation of the OM findings.


    • With a clear methodology and timelines to execute the TOR while ensuring the thematic area is fully covered.
    • Final baseline report with ‘access to and consumption of nutritious foods ‘ thematic area fully included
    • Summary of  key informant interviews, focus group discussions including quotes from KII’s/FGD’s, etc.
    • Table of all standard and custom indicators with final values
    • List of sampled sites
    • All data including final analysis.



    • At least a master’s degree in social sciences or Education, Statistics, measurements, nutrition.


    • Senior researcher with at least 15 years’ experience in evaluations.
    • Demonstrated expertise in managing multidisciplinary and mixed quantitative and qualitative method studies, complemented with good understanding of food security, humanitarian and development programming, capacity strengthening, nutrition, transition etc

    Knowledge & Skills:

    • Expertise in designing baseline methodology and data collection tools and demonstrated experience in similar work. 
    • Leadership and communication skills, including a track record of excellent writing and presentation skills.

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    National Consultant - Kenya Country Strategic Plan 2025 Outcome Monitoring (Gender, Cross Cutting and Supply Chain Thematic Area Lead), When Actually Employed (WAE), SSA9


    • Lead OM  work ensuring gender , crosscutting and Supply chain  themes are covered. Contribute, by bringing expertise in gender, accountability and other cross cutting themes, in  drafting and revising (as required) and finalizing the technical note that contains among others:
    •  Detailed OM design, sampling methodology, and sample size calculations.
    •  Quality Assurance Plan
    • Detailed work plan, including, timeline and activities.
    • Bibliography of documents/secondary data sources utilized.
    • Final data collection tools
    • Data analysis plan
    • Contribute, by bringing expertise in gender and leadership in crosscutting and supply chain themes in developing a Power-point presentation on methodology, overall survey plan, timeline and activities and support presentation of this to WFP for discussion and inputs before field work begins. Lead in   planning for OM field work for gender, crosscutting and supply chain themes, ensuring data collection tools are tested and digitalized and enumerators are adequately trained. Conduct qualitative data collection covering gender, supply chain and other crosscutting themes.
    • Do and Support data cleaning and data analysis as per the data analysis plan. Contribute to the final OM  report by leading the drafting of  supply chain and gender and crosscutting chapters, including a first draft, revise as required and a final report ensuring all required annexes to the final report are included in the report. The OM report should be accompanied by the following.
    • Summary of  key informant interviews, focus group discussions, etc.
    • Table of all standard and custom indicator Final baseline and OM values
    • List of sampled sites
    • Contribute to the Preparation of a Power-point presentation of main findings and conclusions for de-briefing and dissemination purposes ensuring gender and crosscutting and supply chain  themes are fully included. Attend a debriefing session with stakeholders and support in presentation of the Outcome monitoring  findings.


    • Technical note  with a clear methodology and timelines to execute OM while ensuring gender , crosscutting and supply chain  themes are fully included.
    • Final OM report with gender & crosscutting and supply chain chapters   fully included.
    • Summary of  key informant interviews, focus group discussions including quotes from KII’s and  FGD’s, etc.
    • Table of all standard and custom indicators with final values
    • List of sampled sites
    • All data including final analysis.



    • At least a master’s degree in Social Sciences or Education, Statistics, Measurements, Nutrition, Agriculture or Gender.


    • Senior researcher with at least 15 years’ experience in evaluations.
    • Demonstrated expertise in managing multidisciplinary and mixed quantitative and qualitative method studies, complemented with good understanding humanitarian and development programming, capacity strengthening, nutrition, transition etc

    Knowledge & Skills:

    • Expertise in designing research and monitoring methodologies  and data collection tools and demonstrated experience in similar work. 
    • Leadership and communication skills, including a track record of excellent writing and presentation skills.

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    National Consultant – Kenya Country Strategic Plan 2025 Outcome Monitoring (Institutional Capacity Strengthening Thematic Lead), SSA9


    • Support the team leader in managing the baseline work. Lead OM work under institutional Capacity Strengthening thematic area. Contribute, by bringing expertise in institutional capacity strengthening in drafting and revising (as required) and finalizing the technical note that contains among others:
    • Detailed OM design, sampling methodology, and sample size calculations.
    • Quality Assurance Plan
    • Detailed work plan, including, timeline and activities.
    • Bibliography of documents/secondary data sources utilized.
    • Final data collection tools
    • Data analysis plan
    • Contribute, by bringing expertise in institutional capacity strengthening, including the areas of social protection, school feeding, EPR, nutrition, supply chain etc and outcome 3 leadership in developing a Power-point presentation on methodology, overall survey plan, timeline and activities and support presentation of this to WFP for discussion and inputs before field work begins. Lead in  planning for OM  field work for outcome 3, ensuring data collection tools are tested and digitalized and enumerators are adequately trained.
    • Conduct field work as per the OM work plan Support in ensuring adequate supervision of quantitative data collection at field level. Do and Support data cleaning and data analysis as per the data analysis plan. Contribute to the final OM  report by leading the drafting of institutional capacity strengthening thematic area of the  report, including a first draft, revise as required and a final report ensuring all required annexes to the final report are included in the report. The OM  report should be accompanied by the following.
    • Summary from key informant interviews, focus group discussions, etc.
    • Table of all standard and custom indicator baseline and OM values
    • List of sampled sites
    • Contribute to the Preparation of a Power-point presentation of main findings and conclusions for de-briefing and dissemination purposes ensuring capacity strengthening thematic area is fully included. Attend a debriefing session with stakeholders and support in presentation of the baseline findings.


    • Technical note  with a clear methodology and timelines to execute the TOR while ensuring institutional capacity strengthening thematic area is  fully covered.
    • Final OM  report with  institutional capacity strengthening thematic area fully included.
    • Summary of  key informant interviews, focus group discussions including quotes from KII’s and FGD’s, etc.
    • Table of all standard and custom indicators with final values
    • List of sampled sites
    • All data including final analysis.



    • At least a master’s degree in Social Sciences or Education, Statistics, Measurements, Nutrition or Agriculture.


    • Senior researcher with at least 15 years’ experience in evaluations.
    • Demonstrated expertise in managing multidisciplinary and mixed quantitative and qualitative method studies, complemented with good understanding humanitarian and development programming, capacity strengthening, nutrition, transition . social protection etc

    Method of Application

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